2013年5月29日 星期三

which refers to a building

Wearing a hard hat and safety goggles, Stanford University student Derek Ouyang stood in the middle of a partially constructed solar house, which shaded a group of working students from the heat of a sunny May afternoon. A senior studying civil engineering and architectural design, Ouyang looked back-and-forth between the digital blueprint on his laptop screen and the home-to-be around him.

"I'm very interested in making it easier for people to understand how energy works and to make better decisions," he said.

In a bid to bring this understanding to life, Project Leader Ouyang and the first-ever Stanford Solar Decathlon team are building an energy-efficient solar house to participate in a two-year-long competition hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy.

This October, 20 collegiate teams from around the world will transport their completed solar homes to the Orange County Great Park in Irvine, Calif., where each team's structure will be open to the public and evaluated by judges in 10 categories such as affordability, energy balance and market appeal.

After hearing about the last Solar Decathlon, held in Washington, D.C., in 2011, Ouyang and a handful of other students were inspired to write a proposal to take part in the competition. In January of last year, the team was officially invited to participate. The department is giving them $100,000 to complete the project, a 1,000-square-foot energy-efficient solar home.

With the help of five carpenters, the team began construction in March and had the framework up within the first two weeks of construction, Ouyang said. He added that the team also has received funding through donations from Stanford and companies such as DIRECTV totaling one million dollars. The money will go towards incentivizing participation in the project as well as travel and other expenses, and the overall projected cost to construct the home is $250,000.

Today, the team is made up of about 40 undergraduate and graduate students in disciplines like civil and environmental engineering, architectural design and computer science, and many of them spend hours every week either volunteering or doing paid construction and design work on the house.

One team member who spends anywhere from 15 to 20 hours a week on the project is Communications Leader Lilly Shi, a junior studying architectural design. She explained that the house, which the team has dubbed Start.Home, is a response to much of the modern-day rhetoric on energy-efficient homes.

"You see a lot of stuff in magazines and articles talking about smart homes that have great technology," she said, "but we didn't just want a smart home. We wanted something where people could interact with it. We envision this as a new lifestyle, a new tradition and a new generation."

In Smart.Home, interactivity takes the form of a built-in software system. A touch screen mounted on an interior wall acts as a control panel for the home, allowing occupants to monitor their energy consumption and turn appliances, and outlets, on or off, Shi said.

"People become an active aspect of the design and a part of the project," she added. "It's not a smart home -- it's really a start. People can start prioritizing awareness through its integration into their every day lives."

Shi noted that the software system is just part of what makes the team's solar home special. She explained that the team has come up with a concept known as the "core," which "condenses a lot of the complicated systems. You have your kitchen and the bathroom and the laundry in the same area so right off the bat there's going to be most of your plumbing.

"This is going to be the powerhouse for your electricity and other things like that, so all of these wires and all of these tubes will run along the walls of the core to power the rest of the house, but it's still a functional architectural space."

Although the team is building their core on-site, Shi said that the team hopes to one day streamline the process by mass-producing cores at a factory. Because the core is a standard, centralized system containing all a solar home needs to function, people can customize their home's design around the core, which "literally plugs into the house," she said.

Because all of the home's pipes will be in one area, the core will also lend itself to easier maintenance and a greater understanding of the inner-workings of the home, leading to a "human-centered design that breaks the barrier between residents and their relationship with energy," Ouyang said.Universal Laser Systems is an innovator in the field of laserengraver2,

Ouyang explained that the core of the house is connected to 48 solar panels on the roof. The home also features energy-efficient materials like insulated walls and a wax-like phase-change material found in the ceiling, whose chemical components allow it to store and release heat with external and internal temperature changes.

Ultimately, the team's goal is to create a net-zero home, which refers to a building that produces as much or more electricity than it consumes, Ouyang said.

As far as saving electricity through a reduction in temperature regulation, this particular home was designed with the Palo Alto climate in mind, Ouyang said. The area's characteristic mild-to-warm temperatures and ample sun informed the design of the home, which includes many windows to let in sunlight and folding patio doors that can open up the back of the home, facilitating air circulation.

For now, Shi said, the home is being built in five separate sections that can easily be taken apart. This is because in October, the team will have to disassemble the home and send it down to Southern California on four or five flatbed trucks, she said.

Gold has traditionally been a refuge for fearful investors

The power companies were originally touted as a blue chip “safe” investment. Then came questions about whether Tiwai Point would remain New Zealand’s largest electricity customer, and whether a future government might change the rules about how the power game is played. Uncertainty made people wonder about other future risks – from the potential impact of alternative energy sources to the future demand for electricity.

For a long time, gold’s value only seemed to head upwards, but it hit turbulence recently. In April, the price fell sharply after a futures trader placed enormous sell orders, triggering an avalanche of margin calls and fund redemptions, which may have been the trader’s intention. The price dropped nearly 15% in just a few days.

Yet for 6000 years gold has been regarded as a safe haven. So is it still?

Gold was originally used for jewellery and that still accounts for about half of what’s produced. Central banks hold more than 30,000 tonnes of the 170,000 tonnes ever produced. The metal remains in demand by governments and enjoyed a boost after the global financial crisis when it was used to diversify US Government bond holdings.

Other ways of investing in gold include bars and coins. Then there are shares of (mainly) producers, which tend to follow the trends of the physical price, although investors need to evaluate the quality of each company’s resource and management.

The price of gold is mostly affected by economic factors. Australian analyst Lion says forecasting is tough, as gold sometimes has the characteristics of a currency and sometimes of a commodity. The price is influenced by supply and demand.

Gold has generally risen for the past decade or more, quadrupling to a peak of more than US$1800 in 2011 (and slumping last month to about US$1350). Contributing to the boom during the 2000s were inflation, oil, war, the rising fortunes of the Bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), the decline of the US dollar, the global financial crisis and the rise of gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs, which aim to track the price of gold, are traded on the major sharemarkets and may or may not hold physical gold).

All these factors had something in common – they increase uncertainty – and gold has traditionally been a refuge for fearful investors.manufactures and sell howo2 trucks,

The metal has had good and bad times. During the 1980s and 90s, the market was depressed – apart from a short-lived doubling of the price in 1979-80 to a peak of US$850 before it collapsed to $450.Universal Laser Systems is an innovator in the field of laserengraver2, The trigger for that fall was the US Government’s fight against inflation; gold is seen as a hedge against inflation.

The short-lived bubble soon popped,accept foreigners from around the world to study chinakungfu. whereas the positive performance over the past decade has been more sustained, at least until recently. The Lion report noted the total value of the world’s gold at its 1980 peak was more than the combined value of all of the world’s share markets. At its 2011 peak, its comparative value was just 20%.

The rise of gold exchange-traded funds over the past decade has hugely increased the number of people owning the metal (these ETFs now account for about a year’s production), but because investors can sell instantly, these funds have added a lot more fickleness to the market.

It’s impossible to predict future prices, but gold will remain the investment choice for those lusting after its physical beauty, its speculative blue-sky lure or its hedging qualities.

when people are offered with cigarettes

Nearly 200 government departments, government-affiliated institutions and State-owned companies in Beijing have started a campaign to eliminate smoking in their buildings.

"The organizations taking part in the campaign have shown great enthusiasm," said Zhao Chunhui, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. "We planned to have 100 such organizations take part in this campaign, but ended up with 170 by the end of April."

The 170 organizations include ministries of the central government, such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the ministry leading the tobacco control efforts in China.

Fu Jingbo, deputy director of the logistics department of the ministry, called for people working in the 170 organizations to stop smoking and offering others cigarettes in the workplace.

In the Global Adult Tobacco Survey led by the World Health Organization in 2010,accept foreigners from around the world to study chinakungfu. 63.harga of Malaysia solarledlight2 products.3 percent of Chinese adults surveyed noticed tobacco smoke at workplaces and 58.4 percent noticed that smoking occurred in government buildings.

Luxury cigarettes have been popular as high-end gifts Chinese people give to each other, including to government officials. The traditional cigarette and liquor culture" is posing challenge to the tobacco control efforts, Zhao said.

However, 35-year-old Wang Chunhua, deputy director of the general affairs office of the Beijing's Tongzhou district government, said the attitudes towards smoking around him is changing.

Wang, who used to work in the district's Party committee for nine years until half a year ago, said most of his colleagues there are in their 30s and smoke much less than coworkers above the age of 40.

"Right now we forbid smoking in offices and during meetings. Officials who want to smoke are asked to go outside,Put this pair of monitor1 MkII passive nearfield monitors in your studio." he said, believing public advocacy is very important for the district government's plan to build smoke-free environments.

"The occasions when people are offered with cigarettes and invited to smoke are significantly fewer, for most of us don't carry cigarettes with us, and thus won't invite others to smoke with us."

He said his office is going to set aside smoking areas during the campaign, and be harsher to eliminate occasional indoor smoking such as stealthily smoking in the restroom.

Lang Xiaodong,Find great deals for ledbulbe27 in Light Bulbs. an official in the National Health and Family Planning Commission, which has banned smoking inside its office building since 2010, said the ban has brought much change to her workplace environment.

"Indoor smoking was very common before the ban,A lot of gemstone semi-precious gemstone beads fits Pandora wholesale at electricity!" she said. "Now nobody smokes in the building, because the rules the commission has set for its employees and anti-smoking advocacy it has done helps many realize the health threat of secondhand smoke."

The regional fund is designed to be put towards projects

Three Nelson organisations have been gifted a share of a $25 million special fund set up by the Canterbury Community Trust, in recognition of the impact on New Zealand communities of the Christchurch earthquakes.

The trust announced last night that the Nelson School of Music will receive up to $850,000, the Bishop Suter Trust $400,000 and the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary $400,000 of a $5.1 million regional fund established in February.

It was set up in recognition of the fact that all of the trust's funding regions had been affected by the earthquake to some degree.

Special fund manager Bridget Frame said the regional fund was part of a one-off, $25m special fund launched to help restore the fabric of the community and social infrastructure in Canterbury following the devastating earthquake.

The $5.1 million regional fund has been broken down to $3.25 million for Nelson, $1.74 million for Marlborough/Kaikoura and $100,000 for the Chatham Islands, and was announced at an official function at The Boathouse in Nelson last night. The $1.65m for Nelson was announced last night with a further $1.6m yet to be revealed.

The Nelson School of Music will use the money for redevelopment of its historic building, and the Bishop Suter Trust will use its share to completely refurbish the Suter theatre.

Chairman Craig Potton said the trust was "totally delighted" at the donation.Purchase an chipcard6 to enjoy your iPhone any way you like.The inhomedisplay allows utility customers to track their energy.

He said the investment in Nelson would make it easier for communities to move on after the earthquake, commenting that the Suter housed numerous pieces of art on loan from quake-affected Christchurch private collections.

The theatre will be refurbished as part of the Suter's greater renovation project next year.

The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary's share will be used for its management and development, inclThe checklist also provides specifics on how to energymonitor1.uding a pest eradication programme. General manager Hudson Dodd said $300,000 of the donation would be put towards its $4.7 million "Get Behind the Fence" programme, while $100,000 went towards other projects. This donation and other recent gifts now put the trust's earnings towards the fence project at $3.Looking to Buy Full Automatic Tunnel Car washingmachine1 products or trade leads.25m.

Canterbury Community Trust chairman Alec Neil said the announcement continued its proud history of supporting the wider Nelson region.

"The regional fund is designed to be put towards projects that support the community, strengthen significant historic buildings or assist people who have moved to these areas after the

Canterbury earthquakes," Mr Neil said.provides parkingguidancesystem systems for shopping centers,

He said the trust also recognised the implications for tourism, and the added importance of supporting activities that had a positive effect in this regard.

School of music manager Frances McElhinney said the funding was gratefully received and the resulting upgrade would have far-reaching benefits.

Around 50,000 people visited the school each year. It contributed to the local economy by attracting people from outside the region to attend concerts, professional training courses and performances.

Funding earmarked by the Nelson City Council for seismic strengthening of the school of music has been put back a year through the annual plan process, which has also delayed the transfer of ownership to the council.

The board has also asked the council to take on a mortgage of $165,000 still outstanding.

Board chairman Neil Deans said the school was "absolutely delighted" to have received such a huge vote of confidence from the community trust.

The issue with the mortgage was up to the council, which stood to be gifted a building worth $2.5m.

Nelson Mayor Aldo Miccio said the grant would be for the building's restoration and the council was yet to debate the school of music request regarding the mortgage.

He said the council was "extremely appreciative" to the trust for its generous investment in the community, which would benefit three deserving organisations that had a positive effect on tourism and added significant economic value to the entire region.

Ugandan general says he is fighting abuse of power

A Ugandan army general who sparked controversy over the presidential succession said Wednesday he's fighting the use of state institutions to keep the country's long-serving president in power.

Gen. David Sejusa - who is in London- told The Associated Press Wednesday that the Ugandan military is a "prison" used by President Yoweri Museveni to sideline ambitious army officers from challenging him for power. Uganda's military laws bar serving officers and soldiers from participating in electoral politics.Get the latest in chip technology with chipcard2.

Sejusa warned that "abusing the law and institutions just to keep the current leadership in power ... pretty soon will lead to ceaseless strife" in Uganda, which hasn't had a single peaceful transfer of power since independence from Britain in 1962.

Sejusa, 58, a four-star general who is a decorated hero of the bush war that brought Museveni to power in 1986, said he's one of many senior officers whose efforts to retire from the army have been thwarted by the president.

Sejusa last month wrote a letter to the internal security service urging an investigation into reports that high-ranking officials are at risk of assassination if they oppose the political rise of Museveni's son. Details of his letter were published by a local newspaper, the Daily Monitor, whose premises in the capital, Kampala, have since been occupied by police looking for evidence against the general.

Sejusa had travelled to London when details of his letter became public and he has since cancelled a scheduled trip back to Uganda. The general faces arrest when he returns to Uganda,Insight is an homeenergymonitor that communicates with networked smart devices, and his lawyer said Sejusa has postponed the trip back home for at least three months. Police deployed heavily at Uganda's international airport on May 11, the day Sejusa was originally scheduled to return from London.

Joseph Luzige, Sejusa's attorney in Kampala, said Tuesday that his client has requested -and been granted -the protection of British police after reporting a threat to his life. British officials said they had no comment on Sejusa's case.Wholesale natural dragon veins homepowermonitor with high quality. Sejusa's new statement is expected to further estrange him from the Museveni administration that he helped to bring into power nearly three decades ago.

"This is the issue of refusing to retire officers from the army so that they are rendered captive forever, so that none can challenge the regime," the general said in the statement. "In essence, using as a prison so that anyone who threatens or is even rumored to have political ambitions is threatened with military law.

"I refuse to succumb to perpetual abuse," he said. "(The president) must set us free and set my suffering comrades free or we shall free ourselves. I speak for those gallant officers who are virtual prisoners in the army but can't say a word because they fear to be framed ... or worse. "

Sejusa cited the example of Kizza Besigye,The inhomedisplay allows utility customers to track their energy. a retired army colonel who went on to become Uganda's most prominent opposition leader. According to Sejusa, Museveni has been reluctant to see the exit from the army of senior army officers of questionable loyalty. Sejusa himself tried and failed to quit the army in 1996 after accusing its leadership of incompetence in battles against the fugitive warlord Joseph Kony.

The Ugandan military accuses Sejusa, who directs the country's domestic and foreign spy agencies, of spreading propaganda that encourages rifts within the army. Army spokesman Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda said that "officially an investigation is on about Sejusa's conduct.Shop the latest christianlouboutin2 products." The general is also accused of traveling out of the country without first getting the authorization of the army chief.

Sejusa's case has riveted many in this East African country that once was prone to violent takeovers of power but which has seen relative stability under Museveni. But the president, in power for 27 years, now faces growing pressure within and outside his party to retire when his current term expires in 2016. Some say Sejusa may be positioning himself to become the leader of those within the military who want to discourage Museveni from hanging onto power. Frank Tumwebaze, a government minister who speaks for Museveni, accused Sejusa of harboring presidential ambitions.

while the technology is also flexible

The most recent addition to Singapore’s long list of tourist spots is the River Safari, a spin-off from the popular and industry-respected Singapore Zoo. As Asia’s only river-themed exhibit, it boasts of a huge, star attraction – a pair of giant pandas from China. However, what is less well known is that these creatures that delight them are, in turn, delighted by technology that simulates their natural habitat.

Siemens, a global technology giant, has provided the 12-hectare wildlife park a comprehensive climate control solution for its 1,500-square metre Giant Panda Forest. This state-of-the-art biodome has carefully controlled and monitored environmental conditions where giant pandas Kai Kai and Jia Jia live peacefully.

Landscaped to resemble the mountainous region of western and southwestern China, the Giant Panda Forest has temperatures ranging from 18 to 22°C,provides parkingguidancesystem systems for shopping centers,The inhomedisplay allows utility customers to track their energy. the typical climate that these endangered species are accustomed to.

This circumvents Singapore’s own tropical conditions, which otherwise would have affected the pandas and the other flora and fauna in the biodome like the red pandas and golden pheasants.

Peter Halliday, head of building technologies division for Siemens said: “The Giant Panda Forest has been an ambitious project, because its success and longevity depends on how well it can simulate and sustain the temperate forests of China, in spite of Singapore’s tropical climate.”

Siemens applied their unique Apogee building management system into the design and installation of the almost-natural Panda Forest. Aside from climate control, it incorporated chiller plant automation and electrical monitoring of the entire power distribution system.

“Doing so requires an extremely intelligent and complex climate control solution, which can seamlessly monitor and control multiple systems operating under different climate set points, all while being energy-efficient,” Halliday added.

Apogee provides such capability easily, since it is devised by Siemens to work at tip-top performance and optimisation. For the forest, three elements are controlled and balanced: temperature, humidity and ventilation.

In the case of a chiller plant failure scenario, Siemens’ building management system will automatically switch to the back-up chiller so that comfort and climate conditions are not suddenly halted. And while the technology is also flexible, the setting is generally fixed at a variance of a minimal degree Celsius at most.

Wildlife Reserves Singapore, which developed the River Safari, and Siemens ensure that Kai Kai and Jia Jia’s needs are well attended to. These pandas may only be staying in Singapore for 10 years before returning to China, but should they continue to stay, they may live up to their 30-year lifespan in captivity.A high-side current shunt and powermonitor.

With high-accuracy constructs in the multi-kilobase (Kbp) range,Find a great selection of Glass shoesmanufacturer deals. scientists in biology and many other industrial fields will be able to study the behavior of full genes, metabolic pathways, distant genetic elements, genomes and new aspects of DNA that cannot currently be interrogated, or even created, with shorter synthetic DNA constructs.The checklist also provides specifics on how to energymonitor1. Scientists researching alternative energy sources, for example, are investigating ways in which certain plants can be modified to produce more material that can be turned into a biofuel. Providing longer DNA constructs allows them to look at full genes, rather than fragments, faster and with less trial and error.

2013年5月28日 星期二

which has experienced thousands of years of evolution

While cheaper, more functional 3-D printers are suddenly hitting the headlines,We carry the latest wind turbines, modulerail, solar panels, towers and more! Hong Kong first saw the fruits of the technology more than a decade ago.

Invented by American Chuck Hull in 1984, 3-D printing, or stereolithography, was introduced into Hong Kong by jewellery tycoon Lam Sai-wing a decade later. Through his company 3-D Gold Jewellery, he used the technology to create personalised 3-D portraits for customers and, perhaps most famously, the world's most expensive toilet - a 24-carat commode worth HK$38 million which took pride of place in his Hung Hom store.

Lam died in 2008 and his company has since changed hands and now focuses on selling gold bars to mainland buyers.

But 3-D printing technology has since found a series of new uses, many of which will be explored at the world's first industry conference on 3-D printing, starting in Beijing today. The technology, which gives designers the opportunity to quickly turn their concept into a 3-D model or prototype and allows for rapid design changes, has found uses in footwear, industrial design, architecture, engineering and construction, automotive, dental and medical industries and many other fields, said Sidney Wong, an engineer and associate director of Polytechnic University's Institute for Enterprise.

Wong says his institute is promoting 3-D printing in more fields, including innovative design, engineering and physical rehabilitation. "Many US and European companies are making efforts to develop affordable 3-D printers for home desktop use, with some available for just HK$10,000," he said, adding that in the US, it has become fashionable to use it to design and create unique earrings, mobile phone shells and other simple items.

But the emergence of the desktop 3-D printer has raised public safety concerns, not least after the Texas-based organisation Defence Distributed posted blueprints online that could be used to "print" a plastic handgun. Wong said: "There is a need to introduce legal rules to monitor individuals creating harmful firearms from 3-D printers, even though it was just a plastic air pistol … when you add some metal parts into the pistol,wholesale beads at china wholesale beads price from leading homeenergymanagement. it could become a weapon."

The US government has ordered Defence Distributed to remove the blueprints for the pistol from its website. But there is another concern - that the technology will be used to recreate products such as smartphones, MP3 players and computers in violation of copyright laws.

Wong says it will be impossible to create every daily commodity on a 3-D printer as the cost would be much higher than mass produced goods. "First, you should make sure you have collected all the raw material powders you need to feed your home 3-D printer," he said.

Luo Jun, CEO of the Beijing-based Asian Manufacturing Association, said copyright was not a big concern. "It's impossible for every household to turn their home into a factory."

He said: "3-D printing technology will complement our traditional manufacturing industry, which has experienced thousands of years of evolution. I don't believe it could be replaced by the emerging industry."

Many manufacturers of 3-D printers have hailed the technology as heralding a new wave of "bottom-up revolution" or a "third industrial revolution". But Luo said it was still too early to draw such a conclusion. "3-D printing is still a new industry for manufacturers, and many of them so far are unwilling to spend tens of millions to buy a 3-D printing system" for industrial use, he said.

"The new technology could bring real industrial revolution when it is able to combine with our traditional manufacturing industry to establish a new market."

The US government has supported the development of 3-D printing technology over the past three decades, but Beijing has focused only on supporting the technology's use in aviation and aerospace development projects.

Private manufacturers complain that research into the new technology lacks an integrated development environment.

Antony Wong Dong, of the Macau-based International Military Association, said Beijing should encourage 3-D printing researchers to develop both military and civilian products by, for example, providing funding for manufacturers to create artificial limbs using the technology.

The transcripts were released over the objections of numerous

Some wanted lobster. Some wanted campaign cash. At least one wanted no part of the gifts and dinners and trips that were routinely paid for by contractors doing business with South County schools.

According to thousands of pages of grand jury testimony released Tuesday, Sweetwater schools and Southwestern College operated a brazen pay-to-play contracting practice that saw millions of dollars of work go to contractors willing to pick up the tab for trustees and administrators.We carry the latest wind turbines, modulerail, solar panels, towers and more!

“I know for a fact that, for a fact that they selected contractors that were contributing to their,wholesale beads at china wholesale beads price from leading homeenergymanagement. to their re-election, and doing whatever they wanted them to do,” contractor Hector Romero testified at one point.

At another point, he said some of the dinners were excessive.

“They drank all my liquor,To buy powermonitor lamp in the USA.” he testified about one August 2010 gathering.

The transcripts were released over the objections of numerous defense attorneys, who argued that allowing the public to see the witness testimony could undermine their clients’ right to a fair trial.

But the judge hearing the South County corruption case rejected those arguments and ordered the release of the testimony from dozens of trustees, contractors,The windturbine1 personalized promotional key chains comes with free shipping. district employees and others involved in the case.

U-T San Diego scoured hundreds of pages that detailed much of what already has been reported in the bribery scandal that led to indictments of 15 educators and contractors.

The documents, which could only be read in person and not photocopied, portray an interlinking network of elected officials and administrators who made no secret of requesting food, travel and other amenities from people who did business with the district.

“Do you recall who paid for any food and beverages that you may have ordered?” prosecutor Leon Schorr asked contractor Rene Flores at one point.

“We always pay,” Flores responded.

Flores’ company was in charge of managing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of construction projects approved by the Sweetwater board.

Flores, who was not among the 15 people facing charges in the case, said he pursued the same business practices as most contractors seeking to work with South County school officials.

“To be honest, it’s always done that way in all the agencies,” Flores testified. “They meet outside for dinners. Not just with me, with other consultants.”

Not everyone accepted gifts or campaign donations from contractors.

Former Sweetwater Trustee Jaime Mercado testified that he ran for office in 2004 in an attempt to put a stop to what he heard was a culture of corruption at Sweetwater.

“One of the things I really, really objected to, and I told that to the superintendent at the time, was stop buying board members, stop co-opting their votes, stop getting gifts for them,The powermonitor1 hardware and Power Tool software provide a robust power measurement. contributions, donations,” he told the grand jury.

In all, about 3,000 pages of the 4,200 pages of testimony were released Tuesday. Most of the rest will be made available in a week or two, once about 18 pages of redacted materials are blacked out.

The team includes TV commercial director Steve Rogers

For an actor who reportedly described Sydney as ''up itself'' and wished he could give a refund and a free beer to those punters unlucky enough to see him perform in its theatres, Colin Friels has managed to maintain a high profile on stage.

After starring as the hapless Willy Loman in Belvoir's controversial and acclaimed Death of a Salesman last year - and being hospitalised by exhaustion and a virus while in the role - Friels is preparing to tread the boards again. This time, it's in a new play, Moving Parts, written by the award-winning Sydney advertising agency creative director David Nobay.

But this is the last time, Friels insists. Ever. ''Acting in the theatre is dogs' work. I'm 60 and doing it at my age, I must be a bit thick. Theatre ruins your life.''

''It's such an intimate piece,'' Friels says. ''It requires a lot of craft. And it's a big role and I like that. I don't like little roles. I like a play to take you over enormously.''

Set in a high-end London jewellery store, Moving Parts is an encounter between the proprietor (Friels) and a customer (played by Josh McConville, winner of the 2013 Sydney Theatre Award for his role in Griffin Theatre's revival of The Boys), who comes in at the close of business, ostensibly to buy the ultimate gentleman's wristwatch. What begins as a sales transaction turns into a knotty drama delving into male insecurity and inability to communicate emotion without violence.

Moving Parts is Nobay's first play.ou can now purchase howo trucks directly. ''It's a cliche′ that all copywriters have a film script up their sleeve. But I love theatre,'' he says.

None of the creatives involved in the production - to be staged in NIDA's Parade Theatres - have frontline experience in theatre,A lot of gemstone semi-precious gemstone beads fits Pandora wholesale at electricity! Nobay says. ''We're out of our depth but at the same time, we're all in the communications business and we want to be taken seriously.''

The team includes TV commercial director Steve Rogers, the Oscar winning director of photography Russell Boyd (Master and Commander), costume designer Margot Wilson (The Proposition,Find the perfect chipcard and you'll always find your luggage! Bran Nue Dae) and production designer Stephen Jones-Evans (Two Hands, Ned Kelly).

''It's an indulgence for us,'' Nobay says. ''We don't expect to make any money - which is perverse for advertising people - but we want to make art.We also have a small selection of waffenssuniforms. There's a lot of theatre that people respect more than love … If you were at the movies, you'd go f--- it and walk out.''

Nobay calls his play ''espresso theatre'' - intense, strong and short. ''As a man at the theatre, there's a lot I love but there is a really aggressive physicality that I'd like to see more of. Look at what [Quentin] Tarantino did with film.''

Nobay's influences include Tarantino and British actor-writer Steven Berkoff. He says he wrote Moving Parts with actors John Malkovich and Edward Norton in mind. ''They weren't available, obviously, but I wanted that kind of gutsy actor. This play is a real handful for two actors. It's a fight on stage.''

Playwrights Suzie Miller and Stephen Sewell acted as script advisers but Nobay says he has applied the rules of advertising to its creation. ''Keep it simple,'' he says.The windturbine1 personalized promotional key chains comes with free shipping. ''I wanted two people and a couple of chairs. I thought I could get it up at the Old Fitzroy [Theatre] in a week, but that was five years ago. It's all taken longer than I expected.''

The finding was made as part of a study

Charities could generate an extra £4bn in donations if people were reminded to leave gifts in their wills,We also have a small selection of waffenssuniforms. according to a trial by the Cabinet Office Behavioural Insights Team, known as the 'nudge unit'.

The finding was made as part of a study carried out by the team in partnership with the Charities Aid Foundation and the University of Bristol’s Centre for Market and Public Organisation, for the report Applying Behavioural Insights to Charitable Giving.

It was one of five trials on charitable giving, conducted around the country,Purchase an chipcard6 to enjoy your iPhone any way you like. that found simple messages could encourage people to increase their regular donations or the numbers of people joining fundraising initiatives.

The legacy giving trial, conducted in partnership with the legacy giving charity Remember A Charity and Co-operative Legal Services, found that people were three times more likely to include gifts to charity in their wills if solicitors or will-writers reminded them to do so.

The trial covered 1,000 new wills and was designed to assess the effectiveness of a new policy of suggesting the possibility of legacy giving when a will is being written.

According to the study, 5 per cent of people left legacy gifts without being prompted by solicitors. This rose to 11 per cent when solicitors or will-writers asked if they had considered leaving any money to charity, and to 15 per cent when they were asked: "Many of our customers choose to leave money to charity in their wills – are there any causes you’re passionate about?"

An additional £1m of gifts was left to charities in wills as a result of the trial alone.

Rob Cope, director of Remember A Charity, said: "The results show that if solicitors simply ask people to consider leaving gifts, then this gap closes significantly. It is clearly a suggestion that people are warm to, and many more include gifts to charity as a direct result."

The charity is calling for all solicitors and will-writers to remind their clients that leaving gifts in their wills is a way of continuing to support their favourite causes after they’re gone.

Another of the trials, on payroll giving, conducted with the Charities Trust, a payroll-giving agency, and the Home Retail Group, tested the effect of enrolling individuals in a scheme that automatically increased donations by 3 per cent a year unless the donor opted out.

It found that the proportion of new donors signing up for automatic increases rose to 49 per cent, from 6 per cent using an opt-in system. If this was brought in across all payroll-giving and direct-debit schemes, it could raise an extra £40m for charities per year, the study found.

Another trial carried out with 1,500 HM Revenue & Customs employees found that if a photograph of an employee who gave to charity was included in email communications with potential donors, the proportion of people signing up to payroll giving more than doubled, from 2.9 per cent to 6.4 per cent.

Peter Lewis, chief executive of the Institute of Fundraising, said: "This report shows that a good legacy fundraising appeal can both triple the number of people leaving gifts to charity and double the amount given. It could in theory mean an extra £4bn for charities every year."

Nick Hurd, the Minister for Civil Society, said the research showed "how generous people are prepared to be,The powermonitor1 hardware and Power Tool software provide a robust power measurement. if asked in the right way".accept foreigners from around the world to study chinakungfu.

Figures from Legacy Foresight, released earlier this month, showed that combined legacy income in the year to the end of March was £1.044bn, up 1.4 per cent on the figure of £1.029bn for the previous 12 months.Find the perfect chipcard and you'll always find your luggage!

2013年5月22日 星期三

The very long beak shows up well in the photograph

one of the spin-offs of the article I wrote in this Highland Wildlife recently prompted three readers to email me and all attached photographs. They had been fortunate to see a woodcock feeding in their garden and in all cases during the day.

One was at Abriachan, another at Roy Bridge and the other near Contin. The photograph from one of these readers is shown here where the bird is just feeding on grassland and, in each case, close to the house.

Because it is a close-up it may look easy to see but believe me “in the field” this is just not the case. That blend of dark and light brown is so much camouflage you can walk past one and,Click on one of the categories below and select a iccard design to start to design. if it does not move, it will go undetected.

The very long beak shows up well in the photograph and this is the means by which it finds its food, as it has a special adaptation. When it probes deep into the soil the sensitive nerve endings at the end of the beak locate its prey, from spiders to beetles and worms to caterpillars.

I contacted the three readers concerned and said it would be well worth them looking out at dusk to see if the woodcock were breeding nearby. We may think of birds of the night such as tawny owls and even grasshopper warblers singing but the woodcocks’ display at dusk and after is memorable by any standards.

It is the famous display of the males that is the highlight.Click on one of the categories below and select a iccard design to start to design. This is to attract females into its breeding territory, warn off other males or to reassure its mate sitting on her four eggs in the mere scrape of a nest on the woodland floor.As the only athletic powermonitor1 currently making shoes.

During his display the male flies slowly, and I mean slowly, on its huge broad wings along a pre-determined route. This display is called “roding” which I have always presumed is because it often takes place along woodland rides which in other countries are often called rodes.

During this flight the males are uttering the strangest of calls that have been variously described as frog or toad-like croaks. I jest not, and when you hear one for the first time you will know what I mean!

All this may sound almost mysterious but there is more to come as it is the birds’ migration that has caused a great deal of the recent interest.

The birds migrate at night and although most Scottish breeding birds are resident all the year round there is an influx of birds from northern Europe in October and November.

There are all sorts of ideas – some of them myths – about the right weather conditions to make the birds move from the continent. One fascinating theory regards the tiny bird, the goldcrest.

One local name for the goldcrest is “woodcock pilot” as this tiny bird, that boosts the local numbers for the winter, is supposed to come in two days before the woodcock flies in – hence the expression “woodcock pilot”, as if the goldcrest is showing it the way to fly in. With either bird, nothing would surprise me.

Some of the incoming woodcock stay in the woods along with the resident birds but, if the weather is bad, they will move on to the south and west.

The status of the woodcock in the UK is still open to debate. It is on the quarry list and so it is widely shot and much prized by sportsmen. Their flight is very erratic that make them a target for many people.

There is a saying “a left and a right” for woodcock as this is reputed to be the final accolade if you can shoot one with one barrel and another with the other virtually at the same time.

There are those who say the bird is over-shot,Online store for Swarovski crystalbeads and jewelry supplies. especially in European countries,credits and award information for steelbangle. but there is no proof of this. Changes in their breeding habitats may well have more effect that has resulted in their decline.

Welcoming the swift return of swallows and martins to River Ness

Record of the week must be some magic moments on the River Ness in the middle of Inverness.

At first there seemed to be no birds apart from gulls foraging. Then I realised there were lots of small birds flying just above the surface. Fortunately I had binoculars with me and I was able to pick out some detail.

There were just dozens of what are loosely called “swallows”. Most of them were indeed swallows but about a quarter of them were sand martins and I saw at least two house martins.

They are easy to tell apart as the house martins have the characteristic white rump that is conspicuous whilst the sand martin is just a pale brown nearly all over.

The actual swallows look almost black but a closer look reveals the mixture of black and white with a purple sheen, in the right light, and those long tail streamers.

The house martins had come back to their old nests under the eaves of the house a week before, almost two weeks later than usual.

The survey turned up dozens of types of fungi

"This is the first study of our fungi, which are yeast and other molds that live on the human body," says Julie Segre, of the National Human Genome Research Institute, who led the survey.

Trillions of microbes live everywhere in and on our bodies. Most of these viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms are harmless. Many of them are actually helpful. But scientists are just starting to figure out exactly what they are and what they do.

"A lot of medicine has to do with not just our own human cells but really [is] about how humans interact with the bacteria and fungi that live on our bodies," Segre says.

To assess the fungal population,Stainless customkeychain let you make a statement with the flick of your wrist. Segre and her colleagues collected samples from 14 different patches of skin on 10 healthy volunteers.

"We did an exploration where we looked at all the different little crevices of your body," she says.

The researchers then sequenced the fungal DNA in those samples and report what they discovered in this week's issue of the journal Nature.

"What we found was that the human body is an even more diverse ecosystem than we had known when we looked only at the bacterial communities," Segre says.

The survey turned up dozens of types of fungi — far more than anyone knew were there. In most parts of the body, fungi from the genus Malassezia dominated. One part of the body had an especially wide array: the feet.

For example, researchers found at least 80 varieties on the heel, at least 60 between the toes and at least 40 on toenails. Elsewhere on the body, they only identified between two and five types of fungi.

The researchers aren't sure why feet are teeming with such a broad fungal assortment. One possibility is that temperature of our feet fluctuates a lot. Segre says there may be another,camping trip and will not have electricty is there an approved plasticcard currently of the ipad. simpler explanation: "Even those of us who wear shoes a lot still walk around barefoot, either in our homes or in locker rooms. And there's just great exposure to fungi."

Whatever the explanation, the survey could eventually lead to new ways to treat millions of people who suffer from all sorts of skin conditions, such as toenail infections and athlete's foot.

"It really would certainly underlie the idea that you really do need to take very good care of your feet," Segre says. "So,China Electronic Port hairflower Application Procedure. for example, I do wear flip-flops when I walk around a locker room because I know from these studies that I don't actually want to share the fungi with the, you know, 20 other people who are showering after just going swimming."

The researchers were also surprised when they discovered that one volunteer's fungi were still out of whack seven months after she had taken an antifungal drug.

"We want to think there is a resilience of our bacterial communities,Our guides provide customers with facts about jewelrysupplies and advice about our many brand-name products. of our fungal communities, and that as soon as we stop medicating that they would bounce back into a state of health," Segre says.

But the volunteer's experience provides more evidence that this expectation is far from the case. It suggests that all the antibiotics, antibacterial products and antifungal medications people use these days may be affecting the good microbes that live on our bodies more than we think.

"The scale at which people are being exposed to antimicrobial drugs is really substantial," says infectious disease specialist Martin Blaser, at New York University. "And it would be surprising if there were not consequences from that."

Researchers plan to use this survey to explore a number of questions,Our home power monitors and energy saving devices help reduce energy use in your homeelectricitymonitor on your electricity bill. including why women tend to get yeast infections when they take antibiotics. And why do some people get dandruff and some babies get diaper rash while others don't.

"There will be many further follow-up studies looking at the disease state on the skin and what kind of perturbations are associated with both the bacteria and the fungi there," says Joseph Heitman of Duke University, whose research focuses on microbial pathogens.

The results may also yield insights into skin cancer, he says. "What if we were to find the microbes on the skin either increase or decrease the risk for skin cancer, for example? That might be very important information to have," Heitman says.

We went to the lab and saw the force distribution

A group of Rice University mechanical engineering students are getting a charge out of having the coolest new shoes on campus.

As their capstone project that is required for graduation, four seniors created a way to extract and store energy with every step. Their PediPower shoes turn motion into juice for portable electronics and, perhaps someday, for life-preserving medical devices.

Cameron, a Houston-based international company, approached the Rice engineering students with the project. The company primarily works on the macroscale as a provider of flow equipment, systems,If your home is a three-phase home the salereplicashoes is only connected to read one tariff. and services for the oil, gas and process industries,To Our Mens bobbleheads Markets Online Outlet Store. but it asked the students to look toward microscale green energy technologies.

The Agitation Squad – Carlos Armada,The only wireless portable vuittonhandbags showing both electricity generated and used. Julian Castro, David Morilla, and Tyler Wiest – decided last fall to focus their attention on where the rubber meets the road to create a shoe-mounted generator. Another device to draw energy from the motion of the knee had already been developed and patented and led them to analyze other sources of energy.

Working with the Motion Analysis Laboratory at Shriners Hospital for Children in Houston, the team determined the force at the heel delivered far more potential for power than any other part of the foot.

“We went to the lab and saw the force distribution across the bottom of your foot, to see where the most force is felt,” Morilla says. “We found it would be at the heel and at the balls of your toes, as you push off. We went with the heel because, unless you’re sprinting, you’re letting gravity do the work.”

Their devices as currently designed are admittedly too big for day-to-day wear, but the prototypes developed at Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen with the team’s advisers, David McStravick and Omar Kabir, meet the benchmarks set by the company. McStravick is a professor in the practice of mechanical engineering and materials science; Kabir is a senior principle research engineer in corporate technology at Cameron.

The prototypes deliver an average of 400 milliwatts, enough to charge a battery, in benchtop tests (and a little less in walking tests,Welcome to Find the right laser Engraver or headbandssuppliers, where the moving parts do not move as far). They send energy through wires to a belt-mounted battery pack. A voltage regulator keeps it flowing steadily to the battery.

The PediPower hits the ground before any other part of the prototype shoe. A lever arm strikes first. It is attached to a gearbox that replaces much of the shoe’s sole and turns the gears a little with each step. The gears drive a motor mounted on the outside of the shoe that generates electricity to send up to the battery.

“It may be worth looking into having both the heel and the ball of the foot produce power, especially if this shoe could be used while running,” Armada says.

The students expect the project to be picked up by another team at Rice in the fall, with the hope they can refine the materials, shrink the size, and boost the power output, all of which will get PediPower closer to being a commercial product.

“If we could prove that we could produce some usable power, store it in a battery and discharge that battery on a mobile device or an MP3 player, then we could prove this device works,” Armada states. “Now the next team can come in and make it smaller and lighter without sacrificing power.”

For now, the team would like to provide enough dependable power for cellphones and other portable electronics. But they are aware that Cameron has partnered with the Texas Heart Institute to apply its expertise in moving fluids to a new generation of artificial heart pumps, and the students hope their work will contribute to that goal.

“Just the fact that you are relying on human movement to power something that’s critical to your life is a little bit scary,” Armada says. “You sleep for eight hours a day and you are not moving. You want to make sure you are making enough power during the day to last. Realistically,credits and award information for steelbangle. this might be more of a device to charge your phone.

“Theoretically it would be something you just wear, and you do not notice it,” he says. “That is the end goal. If you showed someone the shoe while you are standing still, they would not even see the device.”

The Abingdon MIND Well-Being Service focuses

When reflecting on Oxfordshire Artweeks, which finishes this Sunday, each of us will have own highlights. Here I reflect on mine.

They include the work of East Oxford-based visual artist Philippa Redman. She produces beautiful reflective watercolours of still life and some fascinating Cubist reflections on excavations from Thrupp dump. However, the pieces that really sing through are her portraits. These include At the Exhibition and At the Exhibition II.Find the perfect peruvianhair and you'll always find your luggage! Both of these are oils, painted from digital photographs of TV reportage. In the latter two, gents are framed, either exploring the art in front of them or more likely some murky deal. Whilst in the former, the women are clearly engaged with the art that they are looking at. Redman has also created, again via TV images, a very poignant series of portraits of the individual suffering created by the Haiti disaster of 2010, suffering that continues to this day. She is hoping to stage an exhibition soon, of these moving pieces, to remind of the incalculable impact of such a disaster and the need to support the 2013 re-launch of the Haiti humanitarian appeal.

From Oxfordshire Art Society’s show of its members’ work, I was particularly taken with Annie Wootton’s The Harlequin’s Friends. Wootton works in paper,The following Ernest Jones stores stock breitlingstore. pulp and wood to produce a wonderful range of 3D portraits of animals and people, in this case both, as the harlequin sits proudly astride his equine friend, with his be-ruffed canine mate perched on the horse’s rear.

The Abingdon MIND Well-Being Service focuses on just that: well-being. Its art group is open to all, meeting each Thursday morning. Their theme this year was Light and Dark, reflected in the use of the colours in each piece and in the reference made to the positives and negatives that exist in us all. In his mixed media work Jazz James uses unusual materials to great effect as in his Barking Mad, where he has used tree bark to frame and enhance a pensive face. Also working in mixed media is Andy Norton whose sculpture,Online shopping for chipcard Figures from a great. This Mask of Tolerance includes a cast of his own hand holding up a Janus-like mask, light and positive on one side and dark and brooding on the other, the dark side illustrated here.

JASSO (Jewellery and Silver Society of Oxford) welcomed me as they welcome all, be they novices or experienced smiths. The quality of what JASSO members produces is stunning. “One regular member brings back the most exquisite precious and semi-precious stones from India,One more well-known type regarding could be Justin Bieber suprashoeshome.China Electronic Port hairflower Application Procedure. which he and other smiths incorporate in to fabulous jewellery including titanium rings where they use ‘tension setting’ to hold the stones in an ethereal suspension within the ring. Tutors such as Jeffrey Wallis, guide and support each smith to create their own unique pieces. Wallis himself is both archaeologist and smith, and he rejoices in the location of the JASSO site, on Abingdon’s Peachcroft Farm, adjacent as it is to the Barrow Hills, two lines of Bronze Age and earlier barrows. Jewellery from the site is now in the Ashmolean. Wallis has replicated earrings from the site, in delicate silver, with patterns incised as they would have been by the original jeweller, over 4,000 years ago. These are known as Beaker Earrings: Beaker, because of the characteristic beakers found in the burial mounds. Seven West Oxford artists, provided an interesting exhibition. Collectively known as WocART, they took as their 2013 motif Boundaries, each artist interpreting and expanding the theme via their own particular medium. Helen White used black and white photography to do this as in Desert I, II and III, where the desert’s boundary is delineated by dessicated tree trunks and roots. In his watercolour, Andrew Walker bounds Osney Mill Before Repairs with both the Thames and a barrier of trees, placing this lost iconic jumble of buildings firmly in the past and now beyond reach.

Like all good things, Artweeks has come to an end. However many opportunities continue to exist to both enjoy what others have created or to create oneself: perhaps via the submission of a piece to the Oxford Art Society’s Open Exhibition this autumn, or by joining Abingdon MIND or another community based art group or JASSO.

Or perhaps by continuing to enjoy creating one’s own work, as Philippa Redman and the members of WocART are doing. Visit artweeks.org for full details.

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some pieces are a couple of paragraphs

It is said Ernest Hemingway once wrote a six-word story for a $10 bet: “For sale, baby shoes. Never worn.” Apparently, he even considered it his best work. “Yeah, but the story is kinda sappy,” says Lydia Davis, surely among the very few to dare to question the masculinity of the quintessential alpha male of American letters. “It’s interesting as a reference point but he went right to an obvious meaning and an obvious emotional import. I prefer things that are a little wackier, more off-beam. More unexpected.”

The shortest story Davis has published features just five words: “Your housekeeper has been Shelly.” The title of the story is longer: Example of the Continuing Past Tense in a Hotel Room, from her most recent story collection, Varieties of Disturbance (2007). “I suppose when I’m going through the day, things occur to me suddenly and I will take note of them quickly,” says the 63-year-old, who lives in upstate New York with her second husband (her first was author Paul Auster). “Sometimes my interest and attention is caught by a piece of language. And that becomes the whole.”

Davis is one of the most acclaimed short-story writers in the US,They know how to jewelryfindings look just like the pictures you send. although admittedly her reputation prospers mainly among a literary elite. Jonathan Franzen calls her a “magician”. Dave Eggers pushes her books “on everyone I know”. Rick Moody calls her “the best prose stylist in America”. Her appeal may well broaden with the publication of The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis, which gathers her four collections in chronological order in a small hardback format that is deliberately “compact and suited to the stories”.

Davis is undeniably extraordinary: her stories – some pieces are a couple of paragraphs, some a few sentences, others several pages long – are like splinters or shards of glass, offering up bracing, oddly tilted angles on states of minds or states of being. Many appear to track the neurological rhythms of the mind: they are restless, agitated and full of seemingly unconnected thoughts and actions, and often exist without recourse to conventional character or plot.

Yet they are neither difficult nor inaccessible; despite their ostensible limitations, they are full of tantalising drama, story, possibility. “A lot of what happens is fragmentary or brief rather than epic or huge,” says Davis. “Another writer might say,Maybe you ever meet this situation that you are still struggling in looking for a good men dress shoessupplier. ‘That’s a nice piece of material to use in a story about a relationship’, and it could be perfectly well integrated into that relationship. But for me it’s often more fun and funnier to use it as a quick, fragmentary story.”

Davis grew up among writers and readers; her father was an English professor and Norman Mailer a frequent visitor. She first read Samuel Beckett when she was 13 “and it was somehow enough to read the first few pages of Malone Dies for me to realise that a completely different approach was possible for writing a piece of fiction”. Grace Paley was another inspiration.

It was while Davis was working as a translator on Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way that she became really drawn to writing in miniature. Many of the very short pieces she wrote during that time feel like dramatised jokes.The powermonitor allows utility customers to track their energy. Mother’s Reaction to My Travel Plans (from Varieties of Disturbance) reads: “Gainsville! It’s too bad your cousin is dead!” Idea for a Short Documentary Film, from the same collection, reads: “Representatives of different food products manufacturers try to open their own packaging.Find a great selection of Glass electricitymonitor deals.”

It was, she says, “a reaction to Proust’s very long sentences and his long expiations on different subjects. I thought, ‘OK, I’m going to work really microscopic; see what I can do in a line or two that will have some substance.’”

Davis’s critics accuse her of a certain emotional detachment. Perhaps because her stories often feature nameless characters in the third person, or seem glibly to consist of a single observation, the emotional flesh can appear buried. She can sometimes display the same deadpan irony of Lorrie Moore. Yet her work is often deeply personal. Her first collection, Break It Down (1986), was inspired by the end of her marriage to Auster. It reads like an inquiry into the condition of loss, sometimes through ostentatiously narrative-driven scenarios and at other times through oblique sketches of a distracted mind.

Her later work, meanwhile, probes the relationship between language and memory and the ontological power of words, in part a response to her father’s slow death from Alzheimer’s. Suddenly Afraid simply reads: “because she couldn’t write the name of what she was: a wa wam owm owamn womn.”

“People’s minds and emotions are very interesting to me,” says Davis. “I don’t tend to do a lot of inventing. In fact, I don’t even want to.”

Translating Proust has undeniably informed her particularity with language. “It keeps me focused on words and alternative ways of saying things. You are always saying, ‘Is there another way to say this that’s closer to the original?’” Poetry has been important, too.

Davis is deeply irritated by grammatical mistakes in good writing.Our guides provide customers with facts about jewelrysupplies and advice about our many brand-name products. “There’s a real misuse of the word ‘whom’ at the moment that seems to be infecting the language,” she says. She can’t get enough of Sarah Palin and George W Bush’s malapropisms, though. “Oh, I found them hilarious!” she says. “They are both idiots who don’t know how to think.”

2013年5月20日 星期一

The last try of the half went to winger Josh Mantellato

A brave and battered Sea Eagles side was unfortunate to lose to a last minute try from the Newcastle Knights last Saturday at Brookvale Oval.

Manly were first on the board when teenage debutant Zach Nicholls placed a well-weighted cross field kick into the hands of winger Michael Chapman, who crossed in the corner to take the score to 6-0.

Newcastle leveled the scores in the 10th minute when halfback Adrian Davis showed a good turn of speed to break the line and veer around the fullback to score under the black dot.

Manly set the deficit back out to six points with another converted try when a cut out ball from Nicholls found Jackson Williams on the overlap, who avoided the Knights winger to score Manly’s second.Shop our large collection of flashdriveswholesale.

No more than five minutes later, Sea Eagle’s five-eighth Kayse Greer put on a devastating right foot step to score just right of the posts. Chapman again converted to give Manly a strong 18 – 6 lead.

The last try of the half went to winger Josh Mantellato, who took a spectacular one-handed catch off a cross-field kick to send the players into the sheds at half-time with an 18 -10 score line in favour of Manly.

Five minutes into the second half, Mantellato had his second when his opposite winger Chapman let the ball bounce in the in goal, allowing for a contest in the air which eventually lead to a loose ball which Mantellato dived on to score.

The story of the day however, was Manly’s injury toll. After coming within a whisker of scoring, Steve Tavita went down with what looked like a neck injury, forcing Manly to proceed with not one person on the bench after Vasek, Ikuvalu and Tonga all went off previously.

It became even worse for Manly coach Luke Williamson, who was forced to remove Justin Lemalu from the field late in the game, asking his players to hold on with only twelve men on the field.

The pressure became too much for the injury-ravaged side, when Newcastle number 6 Will Smith charged onto an up-for-grabs ball that had just came out the back of his interchange forward Dylan Smith.

The Sea Eagles were not happy with the call, believing that the ball flew out forwards but the result remained unchanged; Newcastle defeating a gallant Manly in the final minute to seal a Round 10 victory, 22-18.

Manly will be at home once again in Round 11 when they play host to Mounties while the Knights make the trip across the Tasman to face the Vulcans.The cartierreplicawatche market continues to struggle for more traction.Wireless owonsmart is a simple and and easy to use tool.

In this week’s live televised game the Cronulla Sharks maintained their 100% win record with a 28-12 over a gritty Illawarra Cutters side.

The Sharks led only lead 12-6 at half time but ran away with the game during the second 40 scoring an additional three tries. As always halves Finch and Towsend played well for the Sharks but man of the match honours went to fullback Nathan Gardner who put in a strong attacking performance in his first game back form a hamstring injury.

Later that afternoon the Wests Tigers and Newtown did battle at Leichhardt with the Jets emerging victorious 30-26. The Tigers took the early initiative shooting out to a 20-6 lead at half time after tries to Naiyaravoro, Iosefa and a double to Luke Brooks. However, the second half belonged to the Jets who scored four tries to one to claim first bragging rights over their local rivals. Saulala Houma was strong for the Bluebags scoring two tries,credits and award information for steelbangle. while Paul Rokolati also contributed a try and five goals.

At Brookvale Oval Newcastle scored their fourth win in succession with a narrow 22-18 victory over the Sea Eagles. Manly started strongly and held an 18-10 advantage at the break. However, the Knights fought hard in the second half scoring two more tries while holding Manly scoreless. Knights winger Josh Mantanello continued his point scoring exploits scoring two tries and kicking three goals.

A week after their courageous win over Auckland, the Wyong Roos came crashing back to earth last Sunday with a 55-16 loss to a red hot Wentworthville side at Morry Breen Oval.An schoolbagfactory is a great step towards home energy savings. Boosted by the inclusion of experienced first grade campaigners like Ben Roberts, Ben Smith and Ryan Morgan, the Magpies ran riot racking up ten tries, including a hat trick to Brayden Williame, to completely stun the Roos’ faithful.

Mounties three game winning streak came to an abrupt end at Centrebet Stadium after they were crushed 48-6 by Windsor. The Wolves were in control throughout, racing to a 22-0 lead by halftime and they had scored twice before winger Shannon Chapman scored Mounties’ lone try off a quick tap. Young back rower Vaipuna Tia Kalifi continued to assert himself as a star of the future, scoring two tries for the Wolves.

At Belmore the Bulldogs scored their first win since Round Two with an exciting 38-30 win over the Auckland Vulcans. The home side were well served by back rower Paul Carter who contributed two tries in the upset win.

They affirmed Cuccinelli as their new gubernatorial

Ken Cuccinelli and Virginia’s Republican Party ticket heading into the state’s November bellwether elections couldn’t have imagined how the headlines that vexed them a week ago could unite and galvanize the party in a few short days.

The freshly minted Republican gubernatorial nominee had been taking weeks of bruising headlines about his and Republican Gov.Find a great selection of Glass electricitymonitor deals. Bob McDonnell’s ties to troubled nutritional supplements manufacturer Star Scientific Inc. At issue were gifts — some unreported — that Star Scientific’s chief executive lavished on both men amid federal and state investigations into the company and the Executive Mansion’s kitchen operations.

Each day’s headlines bore more discouraging news for a GOP still healing from a thrashing in the 2012 election in which President Barack Obama carried Virginia for the second time in a row and fellow Democrat Tim Kaine spoiled Republican former Sen. George Allen’s comeback bid and ended Allen’s career in elective politics.

The real kick to the stomach for the GOP’s tea party base came when McDonnell signed this year’s transportation funding reform bill that became his legislative legacy. The new law, which will generate nearly $900 million more annually for the state’s 58,000-mile web of highways, had eluded governors for at least a dozen years. But conservatives denounced it as the largest tax increase in Virginia history and a betrayal of the faith they’d put in him four years earlier.Our guides provide customers with facts about jewelrysupplies and advice about our many brand-name products.

“After this session, our base was pretty demoralized because we raised taxes with the transportation bill,” said Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockingham, one of the bill’s most avid House opponents. An adverse ruling by Cuccinelli on the legislature’s adjournment day, done at Cline’s request, nearly derailed the bill.

One after another, national headlines enraged the conservatives who now dominate Virginia’s Republican Party. By Saturday’s statewide Republican convention, the week’s news had affirmed their darkest Big Brother conspiracy nightmares and galvanized them behind Cuccinelli, who became a tea party hero by aggressively challenging Obama’s 2010 healthcare reforms and taking on the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Internal Revenue Service really had picked on the tea party. Government documents revealed that the tax-collecting agency conservatives despise above all others had stonewalled, frustrated and delayed applications by tea party groups to become tax-exempt organizations.

E-mails released by the White House into its response to last fall’s deadly raid on the U.S. consulate in Libya raised more questions by Republicans in Congress than they answered.

The Justice Department,Maybe you ever meet this situation that you are still struggling in looking for a good men dress shoessupplier. it turns out, had covertly collected records of telephone calls made by editors and reporters of The Associated Press as it investigated how the global news cooperative obtained information about how a terrorist attack plot had been foiled.

And, as if anti-abortion activists needed a rallying cause, a Philadelphia abortion doctor was convicted of murder in several grisly late-term abortions.

Repeatedly, those were easy applause lines for conservative speakers who served up red meat for thousands of delegates who spent Saturday inside the ancient, hulking Richmond Coliseum. They affirmed Cuccinelli as their new gubernatorial nominee and choose state Sen. Mark Obenshain and Chesapeake minister E.W. Jackson as their nominees for attorney general and lieutenant governor, respectively.

“I don’t think those things just affect the conservative base,” Cuccinelli said Saturday, relaxing with his wife Tiero in his ready room off the floor of the sports arena. “When we get big federal issues like the IRS, everybody feels that.”

He’s right. Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives alike opened fire at the IRS last week in Washington and in Virginia, where it instantly became grist for the nation’s only competitive gubernatorial race between Cuccinelli and former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, a protege of his party’s Clinton family.

“They were going after folks like us and it’s solidified people in the party and made them see that either we hang together or we hang separately,” said Joshua Wilberger, a 30-year-old delegate from Edenburg who sported a yellow sticker on his shirt featuring the likeness of a coiled snake and the Revolutionary War credo: “Don’t Tread on Me.”

“I didn’t think this administration would stoop this low, but obviously I was wrong,” he said, referring to the Obama White House and the Democrats he can’t wait to challenge this year.The powermonitor allows utility customers to track their energy.

Cuccinelli had been looking for a way to put the Democrats on the defensive and push into the background thorny and lingering questions about his ties to Star Scientific and the more than $18,000 in gifts from the company — the subject of three shareholders’ lawsuits and a federal securities investigation — and its CEO, Jonnie Williams.

The past week’s headlines and sentiments of supporters like Wilberger help him do just that. For Cuccinelli,They know how to jewelryfindings look just like the pictures you send. who became a hero to conservatives nationally as the first state attorney general to challenge Obama’s 2010 federal health care reform law in federal court, this is right in his wheelhouse. He smiled and stretched his cowboy-booted legs at the thought of it.

“Obviously, we get to focus on those issues in Virginia in a way that can redirect that energy,” he said. “And, as you know, I’ve been fighting the federal government for a long, long time.”

Realizing the exchange of physical gifts

“Opening this type of account is fairly simple and allows a donor to gift funds to the beneficiary and manage the account until the beneficiary reaches the age of majority, which is 21 in New Jersey but can vary by state,” said Brian Kazanchy, a certified financial planner with RegentAtlantic Capital in Morristown.

The potential ease of the UGMA/UTMA account is offset with the lack of long-term control you can maintain over the use of the funds, he said. Once the beneficiary has reached the age of majority, the account must be placed in his name and he will have full control to use the funds.

“Since your stated objective is to earmark the funds for the beneficiary’s retirement, you may want to consider having a trust document drafted by an attorney,Learn more about the The shoesbb and see.” he said. “The document can be drafted to name a trustee to oversee the trust assets and to ensure that they are used for your stated goal.”

In 2013, the IRS allows you to give up to $14,000 per person without having to report that gift at all,Shop the latest personalizedbobbleheads accessories on the world's largest. and married couples can combine their gifts, which allows you to give up to $28,000 per recipient, said Victor Medina, an estate planning attorney with Medina Law Group in Pennington.

“If you gift more than the annual exclusion amount, you’ll have to file a gift tax return — which isn’t the same thing as owing gift tax,” he said. “You don’t start to owe gift tax until you give more than your lifetime exemption, currently $5.25 million — which would be quite a trust fund.”

Medina said as a bonus, when made correctly, these gifts will be outside of your estate for estate tax purposes, and New Jersey doesn’t have any rules about gift taxes except that gifts made within three years of death will be rolled back into your estate.

To your specific goal of retirement funding, it sounds like a trust would be the way to go.

The friendship between our sister city, Obihiro, Japan and Seward will be strengthened this year by the gift of inWe have all of the earcap you use every day.volvement.

We have been friends for a long time, when 45 years ago, Seward and Obihiro became sister cities. Then in 1973 we began the student exchange program. This has expanded to include an adult exchange program.

Realizing the exchange of physical gifts has been a bit lop-sided, the city of Seward felt it was time for a major gift to its friend across the ocean. We have so enjoyed the Japanese Tea House that adorns our beach-side path, among other gifts. Now it is Obihiro’s turn to be on the receiving end.

The gift of a mural to Obihiro is more than a physical structure. It will involve Japanese artists to help paint it. (Most of our local Seward murals are a community affair,Tendril Insight cheappanerai Learn basic navigation and settings. having been painted by volunteers finishing the work of committees within the Seward Mural Society.All breitlingwatches are manufactured in Switzerland.) That is the way it will be with the mural gift to Obihiro.

The city of Seward has charged the Seward Mural Society with the task of bringing this gift to fruition. It has been in the planning stages for 4 years. The mural society and the city have learned a lot in the process about working together with the Japanese, how they are extreme planners who move in predictable ways, whereas our working style is more flexible, solving problems as they emerge.

Justine Pechusal is the master artist for “Friendship Across Water”. She will prepare the design for transfer to panels with an overhead projector in a warehouse in Japan. In December she attended the Japanese Emperor’s 79th birthday celebration.

philanthropist who donated Turtle Park

Sunny Glassberg, who died this week at age 94, was a onetime buyer at a department store who went on to become a philanthropist. One of her best-known projects had its origin in the turtles her young children brought home from trips to the country.

Years after the turtles were gone and her children had grown, Mrs. Glassberg hired artist Bob Cassilly. He designed and sculpted three large, climbable concrete turtles, dubbed Dick, Tom and Sally for her children; and four smaller concrete turtles for each of her grandchildren.

The staff of the St. Louis Parks Department and Forest Park Forever helped Mrs. Glassberg identify the perfect spot, along the south side of Oakland Avenue, visible to passing motorists on Highway 40.

In August 1996, Turtle Park opened. Mrs. Glassberg visited it frequently. She called the turtles “symbols of peace.”

Mrs. Glassberg also was the major benefactor in the $1.1 million renovation of the World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park. She called the restored pavilion a birthday gift to herself. She was 80 when the pavilion reopened in 1998.

Among her many other gifts, Mrs. Glassberg made a $2 million commitment in 2007 for an endowed professorship at Washington University to encourage research into renewable energy and sustainability.

Mark S. Wrighton, the university’s chancellor, called Mrs. Glassberg “the matriarch of a great family, all of whom cared about the environment.Find High Quality Brand Name Tungsten Rings and ownfigurine for Men at the Best Prices.”

Her gifts included scholarships for needy students.

“She will be deeply missed as a force for great good in our community,A brazilianhair is a device that includes an embedded integrated circuit chip.” Wrighton said Monday.Stainless customkeychain let you make a statement with the flick of your wrist.

Mrs. Glassberg died Sunday (May 19, 2013) at the Gatesworth retirement center in University City. She previously lived in Ladue and Clayton.

Sonya “Sunny” Weinberg grew up in Louisville, Ky.High Quality replicawatches00 fake watches are timepieces of high quality., the second of three children. She had planned to attend Antioch College in Ohio but her father, a physician, died when she was 16 during the Depression.

In 1939,China Electronic Port hairflower Application Procedure. at age 20, she moved to St. Louis to look for work. Arthur Baer of Stix, Baer & Fuller interviewed her and hired her as an assistant buyer. She was later promoted to buyer.

A friend introduced her to Myron Glassberg at a horseback riding party at a cabin in what now is Rockwoods Reservation. She said she caught his eye after she volunteered to help clean the dishes and kitchen after dinner. They married in 1940.

Myron Glassberg graduated from Washington University with an engineering degree in 1927. His uncle A.P. Greensfelder was a civic leader, chairman of the board of the Fruin-Colnon Construction Company and chairman of the St. Louis County Park Board.

Myron Glassberg shared his uncle’s passion for green spaces. Sunny Glassberg described her husband as a modest man who “didn’t want his name all around.”

He died in 1991. Three years later, she donated the money to build a public pavilion at Greensfelder Memorial County Park in his memory.

Her other projects included the reforestation of Tower Grove Park, and gifts to the Scholarship Foundation. She recently helped the state and federal governments purchase 438 acres on the Meramec River, dedicated as the Myron and Sonya Glassberg Family Conservation Area.

Her many awards include the Greensfelder Medal from the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Older Women’s League’s Women of Worth Lifetime Achievement Award, the St. Louis Zoo Award and the Hiram W. Leffingwell Lifetime Achievement Award.

Her oldest son, Dr. Richard Glassberg, a veterinarian in Fullerton, Calif, remembers her reaction when he brought his pet pig, Jeanie, home from summer camp at age 15.

“Pigs are not allowed in Briarcliff,” she said of their neighborhood in Ladue. But she let her son keep the pig and even allowed Jeanie to hang out in the kitchen, where she cooked pancakes for the pet.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. June 11 at the World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park. Her body will be cremated.

2013年5月16日 星期四

The renovation and expansion has inspired new programming

Randolph’s Chandler has announced one final challenge to help close the books on the $3.8 million Centennial Project. Every dollar contributed to Chandler by August 31 – up to $100,000 – will be fully matched by generous donors eager to ensure that the remaining $300,000 debt can be repaid, allowing Chandler to “Burn the Mortgage” this year.

In August 2010 Chandler completed an ambitious renovation and expansion project made possible by more than 750 donating individuals and families, businesses, foundations, and public funders. Board president Janet Watton reflects on this success. “We keep hearing from people that it was a remarkable accomplishment to have raised so much money in a rural area, especially right at the time of our country’s economic downturn. This grassroots effort spanned the whole nation and affirmed Chandler’s importance to the region and its place in the hearts of so many who grew up here or have since made this area their home.”

Now Chandler Board members and the challengers hope that supporters will dig deep once again to meet this final fundraising hurdle.

The improvements throughout the building are dramatic and especially noticed by those with a long association with the building. “I can’t tell you how many times patrons have remarked about our beautiful new restrooms, even comparing them to Lincoln Center’s,” exclaims Executive Director Becky McMeekin. “And what a relief to know that we finally have an accessible building that includes an elevator, new lift and assisted listening devices.”

The renovation and expansion has inspired new programming in the Esther Mesh Room,credits and award information for steelbangle. including a curated film series and a Live & Upstairs series that features intimate performanQupid shoes and Splash manufacture drycabinet,ces. It has also improved performer experiences, perhaps no more dramatically than for the more than 125 youth involved annually in Chandler’s July 4 musical productions.

Youth musical director Charlie McMeekin says, “What a difference the Centennial Project has made! Imagine trying to fit a huge cast onto the stage without the additional wing space we gained through the renovations. Finally we have backstage space for creating sets. There’s room for costume storage and construction, and a wide, well-lit stairway from the dressing room area to backstage. The tech crew finally has a safe work environment featuring an above-stage catwalk accessed by enclosed safety ladders.”

“You’ve enjoyed our ‘new’ facility,” says Centennial Campaign co-chair Sharon Rives, “so now please help us reach our final goal. We’ll celebrate together once we get there.”

For every $100 given, Chandler will receive $200; $1,000 becomes $2,000; $5,000 becomes $10,000. In addition to donations by check or credit card, gifts of appreciated stock or IRA distributions will qualify for this matching opportunity.Jewelers new tungstenjewelry collection.

Donations can be made online at www.chandler-arts.org or can be mailed to Chandler at 71-73 Main Street, Randolph. For stock gifts or IRA distributions,Shopping for Cheap steelearring at Wholeslae Fashion Stainless Steel Crystal please call Sharon Rives.

McMeekin points out that ticket sales, rentals, and annual giving support ongoing programs, but generous donations to this special challenge are essential to retire the debt. She adds, “Many thanks to community members for all that they have already invested in Chandler. I’m confident we can “Burn the Mortgage” in 2013,Wholesale natural dragon veins inhomedisplay with high quality. assuring Chandler’s future as regional arts center.”