2011年5月30日 星期一

Chandra's will to move on

CHANDRA Lekha is not your ordinary grandmother.coogi jeans for sale to men with low price and top quality. The soft-spoken 58-year-old dairy farmer can easily be mistaken for a pushover, but you'd be well advised to reconsider ù she is as tough as old boots ù not in a worn, leathery way, but in a weathered, resilient way.

"When my husband passed away in 1993, I knew nothing about how to run a business," she recalls of the event that cascaded a sea change in her life.

"I didn't even know where to go and do the FDB (Fiji Development Bank) payments. I didn't even know where Rewa Dairy was!"

Like many women of her time, husbands were the breadwinners ù they did the worrying about the finances, the business and everything else that concerned their family's livelihood. The women in turn, concerned themselves only with tending the hearth and nurturing the children.

"I wish my husband shared more of his troubles with me, if he did, I don't think he would have had his heart attack and died when he did," Chandra reflects.

Krishna Deo Jaggesar passed away at age 53, not long after Cyclone Kina tore through Fiji with Category 5 winds, leaving in her wake a country devastated and reeling from over $200 million in damage. Chandra's farm in Naluwai, Vunidawa was not spared Kina's wrath either. The deluge accompanying Kina, submerged the 87-acre farm in more than 15 feet (4.5 metres) of water in places, all 40 heads of cattle drowned. Their livelihood left in ruins.

"The water reached all the way up here," Chandra gestures at a height three feet (0.9m) off the floor of her living room.

Chandra's homestead is on stilts over 12 feet (3.6m) above ground.Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. The view from the porch overlooks the farm all the way down to the river, less than a kilometre away to the left and the milking shed about 500m up the road to the right.

The river was further away previously but TC Kina and more recently, Cyclone Mick in March last year, have redirected it closer to the homestead.

"After we lost everything, I could see that he (Krishna) was very worried, but he never said anything to me," Chandra says.

"He just carried that stress alone, inside him," she added with a wistful smile.

Krishna was a dairy farming client of the Fiji Development Bank since 1980. His death intestate gave rise to problems with his family but Chandra soon sorted that.

Concerned for her young family, Chandra walked into FDB after Krishna's untimely passing and took over his loan.

FDB's Dairy Farm Loan allows eligible farmers to borrow for land purchase, and development, build or renovate farmhouses, purchase new or used farm vehicles, plant equipment and implements as well as stock for milk production.

Chandra is a well-known and respected figure among the agriculture centre at the FDB. All her account managers over the years refer to her as tinana (mother in Fijian). Seems odd that they would call her an affectionate name in a language not native to her, but Chandra speaks fluent Fijian and so do her two teenage grandsons ù Alvin and Melvin, who live with her. As one of very few Fijian families of Indian descent in the area, life has been about assimilation for Chandra who moved here as a 16-year-old bride from Kavanagasau in Sigatoka in 1969. The day we visited Chandra, Melvin had an i-Taukei friend over for a visit.

Sitting in his room, it was hard not to miss the loud Fijian pop music blaring over the radio, its note scales broken only by the competing choral of Melvin and his friend. This is the Fiji that many speak of but rarely experience.

Of Nepali descent, Chandra was raised a farmer's daughter and the move to a dairy farm about 30 kilometres off the main Sawani Road in Nausori, did not present any problems for her.

Living in relative comfort, Chandra and Krishna had four children ù two boys and two girls.Wearing ed hardy Shirt is an experience in fashion fun. Everyone will comment on your effortlessly hip Hardy shirt. The youngest, a daughter then aged two,As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup. drowned in the same river nearby in the 1970s. In 1990, Chandra, Krishna and their three surviving children converted to Christianity from Hinduism.

It just made sense to them to do so which they have since, ardently maintained.

For someone who by age 39 had suffered two personal tragedies,Nike shox are a series of Nike shoes. Chandra was to endure one more, the loss of her 19-year-old son under tragic circumstances in 1994. Chandra is matter-of-fact about her losses and bears no ill or lingering regret ù- a rare state of mind when many would have wilted, worn from the grief ù a reflection perhaps, of her practical nature and steely resolve to "get on with it".

"You can't keep looking back," she said, "you have to keep looking forward or you will trip and fall."

Wise words indeed and ones well heeded if one is to continue living, as Chandra did for her two surviving children both of whom have gone on to live their lives outside of the farm. Her son is a university academic and her daughter is remarried and lives in Suva ù her daughter's sons from her previous marriage live with Chandra and help out on the farm when they aren't in school.

In the years following Krishna's death, Chandra worked hard to rebuild the farm. Her achievements are testament to her business and farming acumen. Today, Chandra is the highest milk producer in the Naluwai sector. She produces approximately 350 litres a day from her 28 milking cows and looks forward to bring in more over the next year from the 41 she has at various stages of growth.

On average, her cows produce between nine and 11 litres per cow per day, well over the average of between four and six litres that is the norm on most farms.

"I had targeted a production of 400 litres per day but I lost 11 cows to Cyclone Mick last year and hopefully, in the next year or two, I will recover my stock and hit that target," she said.

Chandra's farm operates on milking the cows manually, something she doesn't think is a problem for her at present because of the low number of cows she has for milking.

"I milk about 22 on my own and my grandson and the two labourers do the rest and within two hours, we are finished," she said.

Earning 55 cents a litre for her efforts, Chandra believes that a price of between 70 and 80 cents would mean a better return to farmers and encourage more to go into dairy farming.

Fiji needs an estimated 80 million litres of milk per annum to meet domestic demands of which, the local dairy industry only produces between 10 to 12 million litres annually. The taste of real full cream milk compared to the processed watered down version that comes off the supermarket shelf is beyond compare. Anyone who remembers the days of direct milk delivery from the farm before milk in tetra pack cartons will tell you that there is no taste like real milk. Chandra's endeavours have earned her recognition by FDB at its 2005 Small Business Awards where she won first runner up for the Agriculture/Livestock/Marine Category. She continually updates herself by attending workshops related to dairy farming, her farm being the focal point for many of these trainings.

For the future, she is seriously considering diversifying to dalo planting along the river and buying another farm in Navua, where she hopes to run dairy as well as plant vegetables and root crops.

She has seen the farm that she wants and already she's in discussions with FDB on acquiring the property.

Chandra's view to business is simple ù make hay while the sun shines.

Katie Holmes and Suri: Memorial Day Beach Babes

Closing out the weekend with a futruereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery.n-filled beach excursion, Katie Holmes and daughter Suri Cruise hit up a Memorial Day beach party in Malibu on Monday (May 30).When your team gets ready for battle with the opposition, be ready with this Nike Jacket.

The Cruise ladies both looked cute and casual while sporting high heels as they romped along the Pacific coastline during the festive get together with a group of loved ones.

The mother/daughter holiday outing comes shortly after the theatrical trailer for Katie's new movie "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" hit the web.where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now!

Due in theaters on August 26th, the horror/thriller flick tells the story of "a young girl sent to live with her father and his new girlfriend who discovers creatures in her new home who want to claim her as one of their own.if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price."

Enjoy the pictures of Katie Holmes and Suri at a Memorial Day Beach ParNike Air trainers began life as the Cheap nike air max back in 1987.ty in Malibu (May 30).

Libyan rebels distribute rules on POW treatment

The rebel administration that controls much of eastern Libya is distributing guidelines on how its fighters should treat prisoners of war, following a string of allegations that rebels have engaged in unlawful arrests, mistreated captives and killed sub-Saharan Africans wrongly accused of being mercenaries.

The rebels are holding about 300 prisoners, including 10 foreigners, according to the top legal affairs official in the newly created National Transitional Council,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. Salwa Fawzi al-Deghali.

The rebels say they want to make sure that these and future captives are treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions governing the humanitarian treatment of prisoners and other victims of war.

The low prisoner count raises questions about what has happened to the scores of alleged mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa that the rebels earlier reported capturing. The rebels have accused Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi of bringing in thousands of mercenaries, and their fate remains an open question.

Questions also are being asked about rebel detention and interrogation of people living in the areas they control who are suspected of supporting Gadhafi.Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered.

Al-Deghali said pamphlets containing rules on POW treatment were being handed out to rebel fighters on the front lines because most are civilians and aren't familiar with the Geneva Conventions. "They need guidelines and advice about the rules and procedures they should respect," she said.

"The NTC firmly believes that these prisoners' rights are important,Wearing ed hardy Shirt is an experience in fashion fun. Everyone will comment on your effortlessly hip Hardy shirt. not just as a matter of principle, but that they will help all Libyans to build peace between themselves once the war is over."

She said anyone who broke the rules would be punished, but did not say what the punishment would be.

The guidelines call for prisoners to have access to medical care, to be allowed to freely practice their religion and contact their families, and to receive visits from representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The standards may be workable in the rebels' Benghazi stronghold, but it remains unclear how they would be carried out on the front lines, where the poorly equipped rebels don't have communications equipment and medical facilities for themselves, much less for prisoners.

"When capturing someone, first make sure whether he is a fighter or a civilian. If he is a civilian, let him go," the Arabic-language guidelines state. Fighters can be held for an initial 48 hours and interrogated, before being referred to the justice system if suspected of crimes such as killing civilians.

Allegations also have been made that Gadhafi's forces have mistreated POWs and political opponents, but international rights groups say they have been unable to get any information from the regime.

Al-Deghali said about 150 prisoners were being held in Benghazi, the rebel bastion on Libya's northeast Mediterranean coast, and 150 were in Misrata, the rebel-held port in the west that has been under siege for more than two months. The 10 foreigners include Chadians, Ghanaians, Algerians and Egyptians, she said.

One European who was in Misrata a month ago, said he saw 27 bodies of what appeared to be sub-Saharan Africans, all shot in the back of the head.

"I saw bodies brought in on the back of pickup trucks around Tripoli Street in downtown Misrata," said the man, who didn't want to be identified by name or nationality for fear of reprisal.

He said he counted 11 bodies in one truck and nine in another.Nike shox are a series of Nike shoes. The rebels told him they were mercenaries from Mali, Chad and Niger, he said.

Near Misrata's vegetable market, he said he saw seven more bodies near what appeared to be an "execution ground." All appeared to have been forced to their knees and killed with a bullet to the back of the head.

Since then,where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now! however, prisoner treatment appears to have improved: Last week, reporters in Misrata were shown prisoners held in two floors of a school, their wounds bandaged, some praying.

Amnesty International and the ICRC say they have visited people detained at three or four locations in Benghazi, and both put the number held there at around 200 - including civilians suspected of supporting Gadhafi.

But people are being held at a score or more places in the city, security sources said, including military barracks, government buildings used by some 30 self-appointed rebel internal security units and at some High Court offices.

A new interior minister appointed two weeks ago is charged with streamlining and organizing the security units, Council vice chairman Abdel-Hafidh Ghoga told the AP.

AP reporters tried unsuccessfully for days to see detainees in Benghazi. Despite a letter of permission from the council's media center, rebel officers refused to allow access.

Before the uprising erupted three months ago, Libya, with a population of about 5.5 million, hosted 2.5 million foreign workers.

Al-Deghali says the rebels now acknowledge that some people detained as suspected mercenary fighters were just foreign workers swept up in the chaos.

"But we released them after we interrogated them (because) they turned out to be innocent - just expatriates, foreign workers," she said.

Still, residents in Benghazi say some foreign fighters - who stood out, they said, because they wore yellow hard hats - were migrant workers hastily paid to join the battle on Gadhafi's side.

The U.N. Human Rights Council is looking into rights violations in Libya, including extra-judicial killings on both sides.

Company director dresses as woman to try and evade press at court

Decked in female clothing - including a stripy top, black knee length skirt and high heels - Martyn Crute left Lincoln Crown Court hoping to give the cameramen the slip.

But his surprising disguise was noticed within seconds by the waiting photographers primed to snap him as he exited.

And as they gave chase, he flicked his hair across his face in a bid to hide his manly stubble and chiselled jawline.

The astonishing bid to make sure his identity remained a secret came as Crute,Wearing ed hardy Shirt is an experience in fashion fun. Everyone will comment on your effortlessly hip Hardy shirt. a director of UK Oil and Gas Ltd, appeared in court charged with trading for 15 months without being registered to gas safety body Corgi.

His business was said to have put lives at risk due to the poor standard of work it carried out during the period.

Adam Farrer, prosecuting for the Health and Safety Executive, said the company continued to use the Corgi logo on its literature and gave the impression to customers that it was operating legally.

The firm, which has since been wound up with debts of more than ?£100,000, had withdrawn from Corgi because of a dispute - and only re-registered when the body was replaced by the Gas Safe Register.

Health and Safety Executive Farrer told the court: "The purpose of registering is to ensure high standards of gas work.

"It was a legal requirement to be registered with the Health and Safety Executive's approved body."

Farrer added that attempts by Corgi to persuade the firm to re-register were ignored, and said: "Martyn Crute deliberately resigned his Corgi registration, openly flouted the requirement to register and boasted of this to the Health and Safety Executive.Nike Air trainers began life as the Cheap nike air max back in 1987."

Crute, from Retford,Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. Notts, admitted a charge of breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act.coogi jeans for sale to men with low price and top quality.

He was fined £2,000 and ordered to pay £41,000 prosecutions costs and was also banned from being a company director for seven years.

He now lives off just £20 disposable income a week.

Judge Sean Morris told Crute: "This company carried out work in ways that put people's lives at risk."

Gordon Aspden, for Crute, said that the shoddy work was carried out by an employee of the company and not by Crute.

He said: "He had a dispute with the Health and Safety Executive's inspector.

"Rather than dealing with it in an adult way he resigned his registration. It was a very stupid thing to do.As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup."

...While Palin rides into D.C. on a Harley

Sarah Palin rolled into Washington on the back of a Harley-Davidson on Sunday,Thousands of discount ed hardy shoes styles for selection. sparking a frenzy of attention and renewed speculation about her 2012 presidential plans.Childs' collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year.

Dressed in black jeans, leather jacket and helmet,truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery. Palin opened a campaign-style East Coast bus tour by joining tens of thousands of participants in the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally to honour military veterans.

Her arrival in a parking lot where riders gathered set off a crush of photographers and cheering fans seeking autographs, many urging her to run for the White House and shouting "Sarah, we love you."

"Thanks for doing what you're doing for the veterans," Palin told one rider. She chatted with fans, posed for photos and signed T-shirts and posters.

Palin's bus tour and other recent moves have generated a burst of speculation about whether she will enter a slowstarting Republican race for the right to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012.

Many Republicans are unhappy with the current field and have urged other high-profile names to enter. Palin would be the best-known and most divisive candidate in a race that includes former Governors Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich.When your team gets ready for battle with the opposition, be ready with this Nike Jacket.

Palin's website says the bus tour of historical sites on the East Coast was part of an effort to educate Americans on the country's founding principles.nike air max provides the ultimate in impact protection reducing shock and distributing pressure to provide you with absolute comfort and stability.

For 'Chuck' star, first trip to Speedway brings back memories of grandfather

When actor Zachary Levi showed up for Sunday's Indianapolis 500, it was his first time at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

But, Levi, who stars in NBC's "Chuck" and lives in Los Angeles, has family history at IMS: His late grandfather, Alton Pugh, was one of the track's famed "yellow shirts" for over 20 years.

Pugh, who lived in Amo, spent more than two decades wearing a canary yellow shirt and directing traffic and race fans at the track.Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway.

"Most of security knew him as 'The Old Man,' " said Levi, who added that attending the race's 100th anniversary celebration was especially meaningful because of his family background.

"It's pretty crazy," said Levi, who spent the weekend making appearances as one of the celebs the IndyCar Series' title sponsor,truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery. Izod, hosted. "It's amazing to hear about the race as a kid."

Other celebrities were amazed, too -- especially after taking laps around the track last weekend in a two-seat IndyCar, driven by iconic Indy 500 winner Mario Andretti.

The experience at about 200 mph made Pro Football Hall of Famer Jerry Rice ill.

"Too many Gs," Rice said. "I think (Andretti) wanted to prove a point to me: That they are athletes."

If so, it worked.

"It's amazing," Rice said.

"ER" and "8 Mile" star Mekhi Phifer recalled, "I was praying to God he didn't hit the wall."

Actor Dean Norris, the star of "Breaking Bad,Thousands of discount ed hardy shoes styles for selection." took a few hot laps, too.

"It's unbelievable," Norris said.

There's nothing quite like the Indianapolis 500, said actor William Fichtner, of "Prison Break" and "Invasion." He brought his son, Van, to the track with him.

"This is kind of like going to church in motor sports," Fichtner said from the red carpet before the race.

Country music star Kellie Pickler, who performed in the IPL 500 Festival Parade, echoed that.

"I grew up about an hour from the (Charlotte Motor Speedway)," Pickler said. "Racing is a religion where I'm from."

In Indy, even the celebrities pull out cameras during prerace festivities.

Tim Daly, star of "Private Practice" and "Wings," was taking pictures on the yard of bricks before the race.

"It's to prove I was here," he said, adding that the experience of prerace festivities is eclipsed only by his ride in the two-seater.

"It's not quite as exciting than when I was in Mario Andretti's car going 200 mph. But it's close," he said.

Seal, who sang the national anthem at the race with Kelly Clarkson, was spotted with a camera, too.

"It's one of the most acclaimed races in the world," he said earlier in the day.
Great ride

Retired U.S. Army Sgt. Latseen Benson got the ride of a lifetime Sunday before the race.2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery!

Benson, who lost both legs to an improvised explosive device blast in Iraq in 2005, climbed into the IndyCar two-seater and took parade laps with Andretti.

From the celebrities' red carpet beforehand, Benson said he was a little nervous about climbing into the race car.

"That's pretty fast," he said. "In the war, I didn't drive around in a car at 180 mph."
Pretty woman

Speedway CEO Jeff Belskus was a little star-struck Sunday.

"I got my picture taken with Kathy Ireland," he said. "She's gorgeous."

There were dozens of celebs on hand at IMS for the 500, but Belskus, who could have gotten a photo with any of them, was struck by Ireland, who was in town promoting Window World, IndyCar driver John Andretti's sponsor.When your team gets ready for battle with the opposition, be ready with this Nike Jacket.

Belskus said he isn't sure what he will do with the snapshot, but it will go in a prominent spot, perhaps on his desk.

Ireland, who has been featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and caused a stir wherever she went Sunday, was attending the race for the first time.

"This is beyond the Olympics," Ireland said. "They are heroic, what they do. They make it look easy and effortless."

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'Rhymin' Paul Simon turns in delightfully unpredictable concert at MGM Grand at Foxwoods

Paul Simon has too much class, character and integrity to ever end up on the oldies circuit.

He's not about to start now either.

At 69, Simon is out on the road with his "So Beautiful or So What" tour, which played to a full house Sunday at the MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods.

The man known as "Rhymin' Simon" stands with Bob Dylan and but a few others as one of America's greatest living songwriters. But just as Dylan still performs different material every time he plays a concert, so does Simon. So anyone who expected him to go up and play a set filled with the likes of "Bridge Over Troubled Water," "Mrs. Robinson," or "The Boxer," may have been setting themselves up for a letdown.

Actually "Mrs. Robinson" did make a cameo, courtesy of the Frank Sinatra version, which was played over the sound system before and after the concert.where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now! As for Simon himself, he certainly delivered some very familiar fare in his 24-song, two hour performance, but it was definitely not a night of "Simon's Greatest Hits." He also steered clear of almost all of his classic material recorded with Simon & Garfunkel,if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price. with a couple of notable exceptions.

Ably backed by a seasoned eight-member band, Simon took the stage dressed in jeans, a pale blue shirt and dark jacket, as the accordion sounded and the troupe lit into "The Boy in the Bubble" off the 1986 masterpiece "Graceland," which at the time reignited the writer's solo career. "Dazzling Blue," off of the new album, "So Beautiful or So What" followed, with the horns then punctuating Simon's colorful phrasing in a slightly revamped "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover."

Noting that he was playing in his "home state of Connecticut," Simon strapped on a 12-string electric guitar for a dynamic rendition of the title track from the new disc, which was followed by Jimmy Cliff's "Vietnam."

"This is the song that made me go down to Jamaica to record ‘Mother and Child Reunion,'" Simon said in reference to the Cliff song, which not surprisingly led directly into his reggae-tinged early solo hit "Mother and Child Reunion," and then the spicy, Zydeco-flavored "That Was Your Mother," another "Graceland" standout.

There were a few straight out snoozers amid all the wonder, but only a few. "Hearts and Bones," made it onto the set list for no sensible reason, other than the fact that it set up a far more interesting cover of "Mystery Train." So too did "Peace Like a River," an early solo Simon album track that did not convey well to the concert setting.

But those were about the only exceptions in an otherwise well paced evening.Wearing ed hardy Shirt is an experience in fashion fun. Everyone will comment on your effortlessly hip Hardy shirt. Mid-set highlights included what may be the songwriter's most underrated piece of brilliant poetry "Slip Slidin' Away;" a heartfelt version of Simon & Garfunkel's "Only Living Boy in New York;" the uptempo new track "Love is Eternal Sacred Light;" and an explosive take of "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes."

To his credit, Simon sang about 25 minutes worth of encores. They included a solo acoustic S&G gem,Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. "The Sound of Silence," before a celebratory "Kodachrome" segued into "Gone at Last," the gospel-styled Simon hit that he recorded with the recently departed Phoebe Snow.

He followed that with a musical tribute to his late friend George Harrison, playing a sparkling "Here Comes the Sun," that recalled the night Simon and Harrison played it brilliantly together on "Saturday Night Live."

A thundering, double-lead guitar sparked "Late in the Evening,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway." had the crowd dancing before Simon closed appropriately with "Still Crazy After All These Years."

2011年5月26日 星期四

Cleaning Lady Couture Is Latest Weird Fashion Craze

Whenever you're out in public, you're bound to see loads of people making some interesting fashion choices. Sure,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. certain fad items come in and out of style -- but sometimes,Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. they're just plain silly.

Recently, Vogue Italia featured a spread of "maid" fashion, showing women ways to obtain the housemaid look. OK, French maid could be cute when you're role playing, but if I didn't know any better, I'd think that they are trying to capitalize on some recent scandals (ahem, I'm talking to you both, Mr.coogi jeans for sale to men with low price and top quality. IMF and Aaaaaaarnold).

The fact that maid clothing is a trend is weird as it is. Really, when put together -- the outfits are completely impractical! Who would be caught dead in the grocery store looking like a French maid? Not me!

But I will say this: If you've got to hop on the latest thing, then you may as well pick a few key pieces that work with the rest of your closet. Let's see how we can make this really wacky trend work for the everyday woman, shall we?

This Go Silk, Ribbon Detail Blouse ($49 on sale, Neiman Marcus) could look darling with a pair of skinny jeans and cute flats.

If only money grew on trees. This stylish Bulgari Handbag will match almost everything in your closet.

I present you with the perfect flat. With just a little bit of added wedge, these Marc Jacobs shoes ($187.36, Endless.com) are a great staple.

This white peasant shirt from Michael Kors is a perfect summer top!

Like I said, wearing all of these pieces together and/or with an apron accessory,We present you a vast choice of cheap jordan 6 rings. like seen here, is just too much. If you cave in to fashion pressures,2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery! you'll be left with a closet full of bad, out-of-style pieces. Work these cute pieces in individually and you'll be dressed for success, not to tackle your bedroom with a feather duster.

Looking pretty in 'loungerie'

Laguna Beach designer Charlotte Mills of Plum Pretty Sugar offers women an alternative to the shabby bathrobe with a feminine line she describes as "loungerie."

"I always had the idea of Plum Pretty Sugar as the art of getting ready," Mills said. "I think as women we spend so much time in the bathroom getting ready and we've got, like, some towel on. Once we're done,2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery! we put on our beautiful dress or gorgeous outfit.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could wear our robe or wear our tunic and feel beautiful all the way through the process?"

Two years ago, after a trip to visit her parents at their new home in the Middle East, Mills felt inspired to start a clothing line.

"You see all these bazaars and marketplaces with all these gorgeous fabrics. That's how it all started," she said. "I've always loved fabric."

Mills,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. who had a successful luxury beauty consulting company, decided to start a new endeavor based on a love for beautiful, versatile clothing.

Growing up in South Orange County, Mills was familiar with the need to pop on something cute and versatile, whether for a walk in downtown Laguna or to catch a bite to eat.

There's definitely a California style to her line. The looks — such as silk kimonos, cotton voile tanks and sweet cami dresses — are in flirty, floral prints and easy to imagine on a beach cottage dweller.

"I think nature and having a view of the ocean every day is very inspiring," Mills said, who lives on a hill in South Laguna. "Being in Southern California and in Laguna, you're always looking for something to change into or something to throw on that's pretty and fresh.We present you a vast choice of cheap jordan 6 rings."

Mills recently translated the idea of "the art of getting ready" for the perfect group of women: bridesmaids.

"I don't know if you remember the days of your zip-up suit to get ready," she said.

Velour track suits are no more.Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. Now Plum Pretty Sugar offers sets for the bridal party, including robes, tanks and pant sets, and dresses.

Although the brand is young,coogi jeans for sale to men with low price and top quality. Mills has already grown it beyond apparel, offering bedding and curtains in her signature, bright floral prints.

"I'd love for it to be a lifestyle," she said about her brand. "I really see it becoming a part of our life as women — whether that's a fragrance or something we write on."

Real Leather, Real Newspaper: Old-School Soul

For the past week, I've been opening my front door, and, in sun or rain — though mostly rain — walking out to my driveway, bending down and picking up the morning paper.When your team gets ready for battle with the opposition, be ready with this Nike Jacket.
Man, it's nice. Cool.
I hadn't done this in a while. But I'm doing it now and enjoying what I had forgotten I had missed.
After more than a year of reading online and occasionally picking up the printed version on selected days of the week, I re-subscribed to my local newspaper.
A phone call from the circulation folks prompted it. But then again, I had gotten calls before and declined. So what made this time different? What made me say yes to paper in a time when reports from places such as Publishers Weekly and Amazon say that ebook sales are making print sales eat their electronic dust?
I think it was what I saw a few days earlier in the Macy's men's shoe department in the Meriden Mall. While my 18-year-old, home from college, was getting fitted for new contact lenses, I meandered into Macy's looking for a pair of dress shoes to replace a pair that had worn out.
So I'm looking at the variety of dress shoes and following my usual ritual of lifting a shoe up to look at the sole. If it's got a leather sole and stitching, then it's a real dress shoe. If it's made of rubber or some synthetic material, then it's an imposter with not enough sole to walk beneath my size 81/2 feet.
But there's a problem. I'm lifting up shoe after shoe after shoe and I'll be doggone if I'm finding nothing but imposter after imposter after imposter. Out of all those shoes, there were maybe two or three with leather soles and stitching.
Now, I don't mind nonleather, nonstitched bottoms on casual shoes. But on dress shoes?
Man. What's going on here?
Maria, the saleswoman, said there are fewer cobblers now — only several in the entire state. So shoes that need repairing go unrepaired and because of the higher cost of leather-bottomed shoes, fewer buyers are buying them, so fewer are being made.
This was another one of those concessions I could see myself being forced to make. There were just a few shoes with leather soles out of all these shoes on display. Soon, there would be none.We present you a vast choice of cheap jordan 6 rings. And there would be no choice but to choose among the imposters — the shoes with false soles.
So what to do?
I held off buying the leather-less bottoms. I'll bring my worn pair to Tony in Hamden for a long as he's able to repair them.
So I said no to the false soles because there is something about leather-bottomed shoes; I said yes to the morning newspaper because there is something about reading the news on paper.
Yes, there is something about reading it in the morning in bed or at my kitchen table with toast and oatmeal and milk or grape juice and eggs, or reading it outside on my deck or on the front steps with the sun shining on my head.
But as Sam Cooke sang it, "A change is gonna come"; and as George Benson seconded it, "Everything must change." So too the news business must change to the changing times. While I grew up reading newspapers, the current generation has grown up with cellphones,Need new men's shoes for spring & summer? and now there are iPads and ebooks.
More people are reading online or on their other electronic devices. It is a quick and easy way to get the news.
Just as it is with leather-bottomed shoes, the same will likely be true about our vehicle for reading. As much as I like paper,Air max 2009 Running Shoe Flex grooves in the mid and outsole for flexibility . it may not be here to stay.
So in the meantime,Blasted and distressed for the perfect rock star look, these comfortable ed hardy jeans are ready to roll with your weekend rotation. I'm walking out in the morning sun or rain, picking up my daily newspaper, reading its paper pages.
I'm enjoying it for as long as I can while it's here.
That's how it is. That's how it should be — and not just with leather shoes and paper newspapers.

Event supports efforts to help women at work

An organization that helps women re-enter the work force with new clothes, accessories and training will hold its third annual fundraising event next month at The Crossings town park.What are the best road bike shoes for women?

The Capital District Women's Employment & Resource Center is sponsoring "First Impressions Second Chances," a cocktail buffet on June 7 that will bring in cash and items to help women who are returning to the workplace.

The Women's Employment & Resource Center (WERC) is a private, not-for-profit organization that says its mission is ''to advance women's success in the workplace by building their economic and personal independence."

WERC offers various free training programs, such as computer skills or customer service, for women who want to brush up on skills or former housewives who may be going to their first job or their first job in a long time or for those who are changing careers. WERC is funded privately by corporations,truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery. events and grants.

Last year the fundraiser drew 150 women and raised $10,000,what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. event chairwoman Denise Horan said.Blasted and distressed for the perfect rock star look, these comfortable ed hardy jeans are ready to roll with your weekend rotation. Horan, a WERC board member, started the fundraiser.

The goal this year is to raise $15,000, she said. Vendors will display tables of jewelry, clothes, makeup and gift items.

Mostly professional women attend and donate clothes, shoes, briefcases, portfolios and laptops that find their way to the women seeking help from WERC.

Last year, a 16-foot panel truck was loaded with donations, she said.Need new men's shoes for spring & summer? Clothes and shoes were given to Great Finds on Washington Avenue in Albany, a secondhand/consignment shop that has an alliance with WERC and provides clothing for women who attend WERC classes.

Bring life to your winter wardrobe

Winter fashion does not have to be boring.

If you get the basics right,2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery! the Winter will not be the fashion pain its made out to be.

Here are 10 essentials to keep in your closet:

1) Beanie

Its cold and your ears will need covering. Beanies are no longer as boring as they were before. Getting a funky one that matches your style shouldn’t be hard.

2) Long or short Puffy coats

If a beanie is not your cup of tea then get yourself the puffy jacket to cover your ears when you’re out in the cold.

3) Elongated gloves

Not only do they give you the vintage-glam look but they also keep your hands warm.

4) Ankle boots

Winter is not only about knee-high boots. Ankle boots create a million-dollar-lwhere you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now!ook when worn with skinny jeans or pencil skirts.

5) Trench coats

Owning one or two is not a bad idea at all. Remember to have a black one. Laundry is not done often in Winter.

6) Boyfriend cardigans and blazers

These are perfect all year round. They go over dresses and jeans. You can rock them over shirts as well.

7) Scarf

Wearing a scarf is not only a fashion statemement but it keeps the cold away. Its a quick and easy way to glam up your look.

8) Leggings and long socks

They can be worn with long or short boots. Invest in a pair of thick Winter leggings or socks.Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway.

9) Belts

Your Winter look does not have to be boring.Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. Belts worn over jackets, coats, dresses, cardigans etc create an instant glam-look.if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price.

10) Black Winter dresses/pants

Find the perfect black dress or pants that you can dress up or down this Winter.

Remember to accessorise your look so you don’t look too gloomy.

The Walls are Closing In

I am surrounded by papers and books at 10:30 at night.2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery! I am trying to concentrate on writing a rhetorical masterpiece on the financial recession of 2008 that will hopefully get me an A in my freshman rhetoric and writing class at San Diego State University. But like any regular college student, procrastination reigns king so I haven't even started it yet. But first and foremost I am a regular teenager, and like any regular teenager, getting away from home after high school ends is the ultimate goal. Unfortunately I am stuck at home, in the suburbs of the South Bay. I am stranded in a void of normal, plain, and mundane. Needless to say, patience isn't a talent of mine.

The ever expanding area of East Chula Vista has opened doors to six schools in the past decade or so, to accommodate the ever popular image of American suburbia. Hallways of white walls line each school in the exact same fashion. Star Bucks are within walking distance of each other. Large warehouse stores, such as Wal-Mart and Costco fill family pantries for the week. The Otay Ranch Mall, the hub of all teenager life,where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now! is at the center of this suburban poster child of a community. The parking spaces of this community are made extra large for mom's minivan and that kid who just got his driver license who doesn't quite know how to park yet. It is the not so cool younger sibling of the Southern California image that popular TV shows portray.

This unimagined stereotypical lifestyle that almost encourages absolute boredom is what I hate about this place. It's like Wally and the Beaver had an upgrade to the 21st century, bringing along the uninspired and colorless life of black and white. This is why everyone who graduates jumps in a car or a plane and tries to get as far away as possible, only to come back home during the holidays. During my last year at Eastlake high school, my peers and I discussed dreams of living on our own,if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price. away from our parents and each other- away from everything we knew. We wanted to find ourselves in the world. The books and lessons of those small overcrowded classrooms could only teach us about it but could not possibly allow us to truly understand what is out there. This place was the epitome of a love-hate relationship. I loved it, because it was my home for four years of my life. I hated it, because it walked the slim, sometimes questionable line between a family friendly community and a prison.

Now that I am out of high school and still here,Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. that cliché graduation speech that I heard last June at Southwestern College is replaying in the back of my head . It is filled with over used quotes of “we are on the threshold of our future” and “the world is our oyster”. But I am trapped in the place of my past, looking in on my future. If finding who I am is like looking for a needle in a haystack then I am searching in a place where I have already looked. If my life were a tapestry, then it would be white- the only color I have ever known. It is the color of the walls that surround me and the paper I write on. If I were a book then I would have too many pages but not enough ink. If my past was my pen, then it is quickly running dry.

After writing the introduction to that rhetorical masterpiece I got a serious case of writer's block. So I stopped writing and checked my Facebook, it is filled with status updates of the summer weather and studying for finals, but most of all the anxieties and joys of the school year ending.Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. As the semester ends, my homesick friends start to trickle in from all the corners of the country. Their eyes light up when they see the slightly older faces of childhood friends, the fields of Sunset View Park, and the streets of Eastlake Greens that are lined with the familiar homogeneous cookie-cutter houses. It makes me wonder if they ever close their eyes, and click their heels together, and whisper the timeless line of “there is no place like home”. Their happy eyes make me believe that there might be a vast world out there to explore but there is only one place where I can call home. The quintessential suburban vice grip of boredom and motherly love known as San Diego's South Bay is my home. Like any normal family, we might fight and test eachother's patience but I know this is where I will always be welcomed with open arms. But until it is my chance to explore the world, my couch diving ventures and Coinstar trips will never cease. But maybe my prayers will be answered and the federal government will decide to bail out a poor college student for a change.

Mattel's iconic doll now an architect

There's a new architect in town and she's not afraid of the colour pink.

Mattel's Architect Barbie, icon of the building trades, is ready for launch. Eleven-and-half inches tall in her trendy ankle boots and carrying a hard hat and pink drawing tube, the doll channels “Barbie's rebellious side,” according to a University at Buffalo (UB) architecture professor who helped bring her to the public stage. And Barbie is already generating talk among practicing architects about the role of women in the field.

The 127th doll in Mattel's “Barbie I Can Be” series was a long time coming. Since 2002, when Architect Barbie won Mattel's competition for Barbie's next career, Despina Stratigakos, UB professor of architecture and visual studies, had hoped the doll would be produced, but it never showed up on store shelves.if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price.

Mattel was looking to highlight careers where women are underrepresented and “architect” seemed to be the right fit for the 2011 “I Can Be” doll line.

Stratigakos teamed up with her colleague, architect Kelly Hayes McAlonie, interim director of UB's Capital Planning Group, to encourage creation of the doll.

The doll was expected to be introduced at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) national convention in New Orleans this month and will be on store shelves in August.

Stratigakos is internationally recognized for her research on women in architecture.where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now!

Hayes McAlonie, president-elect for AIA New York State, began her career designing learning environments for children and later founded the AIA Western New York Architecture and Education Program,2011 New Style Jeans cheap true religion on sale with fast delivery! through which architects introduce schoolchildren to the world of design.

“We hope Architect Barbie not only introduces young girls to the profession,” says Stratigakos,Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered.Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. “but that these girls shake things up once they get there. Although women comprise 40 per cent of the students in architectural degree programs, they struggle to enter and remain in practice.”

2011年5月24日 星期二

Baseball and Basketball Summer Camps

The 2011 Bulldog Baseball Camp will take place from Monday, June 27th through Thursday,As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup. June 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Bulldog Stadium. The camp is designed for kids ages 6-14, and is directed by Head Coach Steve Ruzich and current players. The cost of the camp is $75 per camper for all four days of instruction.Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. Each camper should have gym shoes, spikes, sweat clothes, and bring their own equipment.

Coach “Ru” earned his 900th career victory this season at SSC. He was an All-American catcher at the College of Saint Francis and was drafted in 1985 by the Chicago White Sox. After a brief pro stint, Ruzich took over the SSC Baseball Team in 1987 and now also serves as SSC’s Athletic Director.Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand. He is well-known as a director and coordinator of local parent-child baseball camps which have attracted thousands of participants, and Ruzich has also worked for the Chicago White Sox as an instructor in their Fundamentals area at Cellular One Field. For more information or to register pleasThese comfortable coach shoes inject that same elegant style into your casual look.e contact Coach Ruzich at (708) 596-2000 ext. 2413 or email SRuzich@ssc.edu.

The Bulldog Basketball Program will host two camps - an All-Skills Basketball Camp June 20th through 23rd from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., and a Championship Shooting Camp from June 27th through 30th from 1:00 p.We can gurantee you that all Nike shox running shoes,sold at our website are with high quality.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the SSC Fitness Center. The camps are designed for Boys and Girls ages 7 - 17, and will be directed by Head Coach John Pigatti and players from the 2011Bulldog Basketball Team. The cost of the Shooting Camp is $55 and the All-Skills camp is $95, with a special price of $125 for both camps. Campers will need shorts, basketball shoes, and a T-shirt or practice uniform. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase every day of the camps. The main goal of these camps is to provide each individual with an opportunity to become a better player and to have some fun along the way. In order to accomplish these goals, the emphasis will be on the fundamentals of basketball.

Coach Pigatti brings over 20 years of college coaching experience from a well-rounded background. He was also the head coach of the Five Star Basketball Post Development Camp where he instructed several top 100 high school players in the country. He received the NJCAA Division II Region IV-A Coach of the Year Award in his first three seasons as SSC’s Head Coach.

Torch Run kicks off Special Olympics

Several law enforcement officers laced up their running shoes for the Panhandle Area Torch Run Tuesday morning.As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup.

More than 15 officers ran the torch, or "flame of hope", from the Civic Center to the Eagle Center Building in downtown Amarillo. The Torch Run marks the beginning of the law enforcement officers long run from Amarillo all the way to Arlington, Texas for the 2011 Special Olympics Summer Games.We can gurantee you that all Nike shox running shoes,sold at our website are with high quality.

The law enforcement torch run also serves as a fundraising and public awareness event for the special olympics.

"This is the 26th year that these officers have actually raised money for us.Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. They raise money for us year round and without them we couldn't do what we do. They're an amazing group of people", said Area Director for Special Olympics Lisa Chrane.Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand.

The torch run team will leave for Arlington Wednesday morning around 6:30.These comfortable coach shoes inject that same elegant style into your casual look.

Risky surgery keeps infant's heart beating strong

Worry, fear, wonder -- every new parent knows those feelings.

For Jordan Kleckley's parents,Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. there was something else.

While he was till in the womb, Jordan was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Half of his heart is severely under-developed.

His parents were given the choice of terminating the pregnancy, taking him home to die or committing to a series of painful open heart surgeries within his first few years of life for a 50/50 chance of survival.

They never looked back.

Jordan bears the scar from his first surgery.

At 5 months old, he was days away from his second. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta had never allowed a news crew into an open heart surgery, until now.

Already sedated, Jordan settled in for a six hour surgery that would save his life.

Dr. Paul Kirshborn and the ChThese comfortable coach shoes inject that same elegant style into your casual look.ildren's cardic team carefully watched Jordan's vital signs as they hooked him up to a bypass machine.As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup. You could see his tiny heart, the size of a strawberry, still beating.

Hours into surgery, it was taking longer than expected.

Inside little Jordan's chest, there was too much scar tissue.

Finally, they removed his stunt and began the procedure to re-route his bloodflow.

The waiting room was filled with a sea of red supporters. They didn't believe those medical statistics. They believed in Jordan.

Phone call after phone call, the hours inched past until finally, it was done.

The surgery was a success.

Just three days after open heart surgery, Jordan was beating the odds again, headed home,Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand. earning his nickname: Bumblebee.

The results of that fighting spirit are obvious a month later.

Every parent knows those feelings -- pride,We can gurantee you that all Nike shox running shoes,sold at our website are with high quality. relief, love.

Scary! La Toya Jackson channels The Joker as she flashes a huge grin while out in New York

As Batman's biggest nemesis, he is best known for the huge smile that spreads across his face from ear to ear.

And while La Toya Jackson is so supervillain with a grudge against the Caped Crusader,These comfortable coach shoes inject that same elegant style into your casual look. she would certainly give the psychopathic master criminal a run for his money in the smile stakes.

The former singer flashes a smile worthy of the Joker as she left lunch in New York yesterday.

She was dressed in a royal blue Juicy Couture tracksuit as she left Quattro in SoHo with a male companion.

La Toya, 54, is currently in the Big Apple having finished filming on The Celebrity Apprentice after being voted out in the tenth week of the show.

But yesterday she came back for the season finale of the show,We can gurantee you that all Nike shox running shoes,sold at our website are with high quality. which saw country singer/songwriter John Rich crowned the winner.

After the finale, all the celebrities that had taken part headed over to the Trump SoHo Hotel for the after-party.

La Toya was actually let back into the contest after 'boss' Donald Trump fired her and became the first contestant in the show's history to come back.

And she told then Examiner that while everyone around her were losing their tempers and bitching about each other, she managed to stay calm.Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand.

She said: 'If you don't have anger inside, you can't give away what you don't have. If you don't have anger inside, you can't give anger away.

'If you have love inside, that's what you're going to be giving away. So I was giving away what's inside of me. What's inside of you is what comes out of you.

'If I told you to squeeze an orange,Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. what are you going to get from that orange? Orange juice. If you see someone screaming and fighting, that's what's inside of them: this anger.

'That's not inside of me. So no matter how much you push my buttons, you're going to get what's inside of me.'

La Toya is also about to venture into the literary world again with her new book,As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup. Starting Over - and releases a new album of the same time at the same time.

She said: 'I have a book coming out on June 21, it's an incredible book. You're going to love every single bit of it. It's hard-hitting. You're going to love it.'

High Point Coach to Take Over Mustangs Football

Next season, Mustangs football will have a new leader.

Jim Delaney has been coaching football for nearly 15 years, most recently at High Point High School,Childs' collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year. where he was head coach for the past four years. Before High Point, he coached at West Morris Central and Montclair State as an assistant.

"I think Montville is a very tradition-rich school, athletically and academically,what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots." said Delaney. "You know, from playing against Montville the past two years, they have a lot of hard-nose kids that work hard."

Delaney is coming off of a successful 8-3 season at High Point.

"He's got quite a bit of experience and he kind of rebuilt that program," said Montville athletic director Paul Pignatello.

Montville was 4-6 last football season and outgoing coach Gerry Gallagher resigned a few months ago, said Pignatello. Gallagher was once Delaney's coach at William Patterson University.These comfortable coach shoes inject that same elegant style into your casual look.

"I learned a lot from him," said Delaney. "I thought he was a great coach…I know I have big shoes to fill."

It's not just wins and championship aspirations that motivate Delaney, though, as he also says he enjoys working with the athletes on and off the field.

"I really enjoy working with kids,Buy ed hardy shirts of high quality and low price now and get fast shipping to you within one week. helping them develop into good young men.truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery." Delaney said. "Helping them develop throughout their high school careers."

Delaney will also come to Montville Township High School next school year as a physical education teacher.

The branded Clinique shop-in-shop

The branded Clinique shop-in-shop, meanwhile, is the first execution of the brand's new concept in an airport, the only other example so far having been introduced at Selfridges in London.

WDF has also introduced its Cocoon niche skincare concept at Birmingham, its second deployment after London Heathrow Terminal 1. Brands available include Molton Brown, Sisley, La Prairie, Dr Sebagh, Décleor, Shiseido and REN, plus UK fragrance house Miller Harris, Australian skincare and make-up brand Hissyfit and spa brands Emma Hardie, Rodial and Dr Lewins.

“In UK regional airports there was always a dependency on liquor and tobacco," said Creighton. “But while those categories remain crucial to us, we've learned that in perfumes and cosmetics, the more you put in,where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now! the more you get out. We've therefore worked hard on creating more space for beauty and also for luxury."

Other beauty brands making their debut at Birmingham are Tom Ford and The Body Shop, both available in prominent branded fixtures. New fragrance brands to be introduced include Floris, Lalique, Orla Kiely,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. Swarovski and Alberta Ferreti.

WDF said the retailer had welcomed the opportunity to devote more space to a number of fast-growing fragrance brands, including Gucci, D&G, Hermès, Marc Jacobs, Bvlgari, Givenchy and Guerlain.

The new store features a central area for special initatives and events, currently occupied by a special interactive promotion for Lacoste fragrances. Also prominent is a 24-screen “Contentainment" video wall, employing digital marketing to showcase special offers and brand initiatives.

Aldeasa/World Duty Free Commercial Director Eugenio Andrades paid tribute to the support of the retailer's brand partners in revolutionising the product offer at Birmingham. “We are finding that the store environment is the important thing. If we are able to create the right type of store, it makes our life easier in many different ways. It's not just about sales, but about quality of environment. All the major brands are now here in Birmingham and they've had the chance to do a great job.

“One of the advantages of being a global company is our ability to build synergies with brands," Andrades continued. “Brands know that making an investment with us in Birmingham will help create stronger partnerships with is elsewhere in our store network, such as in London Heathrow or Madrid."

Birmingham is the first airport to welcome WDF's new Tobacco Display Area (TDA), in accordance with the regulations recently agreed with the UK government. An enclosed zone for duty free cigarettes has been introduced close to the store entrance, satisfying the authorities' requirements for tobacco to be offered within a clearly defined area separate from categories such as confectionery.

“We began planning our approach to TDAs about a year ago," said Creighton. “The deadline for full implementation has thankfully moved out to 2015, but we have a commitment with the UK government to introduce TDAs progressively between now and then. It's early days at Birmingham but so far we're pleased with the performance."

The new TDA is clearly visible from the store entrance and from other parts of the store, and features a full range of cigarettes, cigarillos and rolling tobacco, with brands prominently merchandised.

Among highlights of the liquor offer are a Whiskyfest 2011 promotion, offering a 40% saving on 22 selected whiskies including The Balvenie, Ardbeg, Glenfiddich, Glenmorangie and Auchentoshan. plus tasting initiatives on premium tequila Patrón and locally made vodka Chase.

“Our aim is to work with suppliers in a very positive way to drive brand awareness," explained Creighton. “You can do that in a way that offers value while supporting the brand, and Whiskyfest is an example of that." Liquor sales in the new store are showing double-digit growth compared with previous performance at Birmingham, he added.

The liquor zone features branded backwall units for Hennessy and Courvoisier in Cognac, plus leading Scotch whiskies Johnnie Walker, Chivas Regal and Dewar's.

In confectionery, Birmingham brand Cadbury features prominently, with its own customised area. There are also personalised backwall units from UK brand Thorntons and leading premium chocolatier Godiva. Creighton said that WDF would introduce greater brand customisation within the sector over the months ahead.

Creighton described the accessories zone in the new store as “probably the best execution of mid-market fashion that we have ever done". Sales of sunglasses have doubled since the opening of the store, while accessories and leathergoods brands such as Radley,Buy wholesale air max boot products on TradeTang and high quality air max boot directly from trustworthy Chinese air max boot wholesalers & suppliers. Guess, Fiorelli and Marc B continue to perform well. In watches, Swatch enjoys a strong presence in the new store, alongside popular brands such as DKNY, Casio and Sekonda.

Making their debuts at Birmingham are jewellery brand Orelia and watchmaker Ice, while sunglasses from Ted Baker, Juicy Couture, Lacoste and Vogue are also new to the airport.

“In sunglasses, we have a very strong relationship with Luxottica and that has helped us a lot in Birmingham," said Andrades.if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price. “And in watches, Sekonda is a good example of how World Duty Free and Aldeasa have been able to share learnings. WDF introduced the brand in the UK and had success with it, and recommended it to us for Spain, where it has been a great success too."

The till area at the store exit adopts a managed “snake" or “corral" queuing system such as those employed in many downtown department stores, presenting WDF with an opportunity to promote impulse purchases such as beauty box sets and snacking confectionery.

Adjacent to the walk-through store in Birmingham's departure lounge is specialist concept Collection, a mid- to high-end accessories unit also operated by WDF. The store features sunglasses, watches and costume jewellery from brands such as Pandora. “It's a different customer spending in Collection, so we're happy that the store doesn't cannibalise the main outlet," said Creighton.

Also prominent within the Departures area is a temporary “pop-up" unit currently dedicated to Estée Lauder, also extremely visible via advertising along all points of the traveller's path through Birmingham Airport.Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. With the prominent tagline “Every woman can be beautiful", the ornate and striking Lauder execution aims to capitalise on interest in the UK's recent royal wedding, and Creighton and Andrades hailed its impact since opening.

“[Pop-up stores] are a way for airports, retailers and brands to provide innovation and give something extra to the customer," said Andrades. “BAA and WDF have always been very active in this way and we are happy to continue that."

“With the Lauder advertising throughout the airport, the whole passenger journey is involved; the passenger is engaged and hopefully turned into a purchaser," added Creighton. “It's about creating an experience in which even if the traveller doesn't buy anything, they will remember that there were interesting things happening at the airport. And, of course, it is great exposure for the brand."

Upcoming additions to the Departures retail mix in Birmingham's new unified terminal include fashion brands Superdry and Next, and sports and leisure retailer JD Sports. All are scheduled to open in July.

Athiest tells high schoolers God is evil

Being that the weekend ended and I hadn't – that is, I still found myself a citizen of this planet – I thought I'd give the other end of the belief continuum a chance.

Monday afternoon, I rolled onto the campus of Northwood High School in Irvine where the Secular Student Alliance was hosting Orange County atheist Bruce Gleason.

That a county that has so uncritically embraced "In God We Trust" in many of its city council chambers would also generate an atheist club at one of its showcase public high schools seemed incongruous. Doubly so that Gleason – part of the coalition behind the "Don't Believe in God? You Are Not Alone" billboard on Beach Boulevard – would be allowed to cast his pagan shadow on campus. I thought our publicly owned facilities were only accessible to pro-religious messages.

Gleason, 56, isn't just a nonbeliever. He thinks religion is actually bad. "You will never see an atheist suicide bomber,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway." he says. But lest you think he picks on Muslims,if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price. he told the students that if they were going to hedge their bets, they should pick Islam "because it has the least-worst hell."

Gleason, who grew up in Anaheim and went to church to please his parents,Buy wholesale air max boot products on TradeTang and high quality air max boot directly from trustworthy Chinese air max boot wholesalers & suppliers. focused mostly on the religion of his youth, asserting, "The God of the Bible is actually evil." In support, he showed a sometimes graphic DVD that illustrated some of the Good Book's more violent passages. Like when God had Abraham prepare to sacrifice his son, only to give the boy a last-second reprieve from the knife. That, Gleason says, was God ordering child abuse. Other passages he cited encourage or condone rape, slavery and cannibalism.

I don't know that the witch trials have to commence just yet. Only eight students showed up to Gleason's event which, I kid you not, is part of the school's Human Rights Week. One student,Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. Tina Xu, 17,where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now! pushed back a little, challenging Gleason's statement that those who do charitable acts in the name of religion are acting in their own self interest. Gleason's rejoinder: "You don't think that in the back of their heads they aren't saying, 'God is going to reward me for this'?"

Club co-founder Joseph Suh, 17, told me his parents didn't want him to start the club but he had become disillusioned when his family went from Mormonism to Catholicism.

"I had been told Mormonism is the one true religion, and I began to have my doubts." He says his mom made him talk to a priest about his growing atheism. The conversation went south, Suh said, "when I told him Hitler was a Catholic."

I don't think Suh is going back to the path of the righteous any time soon. His first question to Gleason: "Where can we get the DVD?"

April Employment Numbers for N.J. Show Jobs Added For Third Consecutive Month

The number of jobs in New Jersey expanded for the third consecutive month in April — increasing by 14,000 jobs — with the vast majority of the gain in the private sector.

Employment in the Garden State has now increased by 32,000 jobs since January of this year,Back again is the Nike shox nz SI in a White/Royal colorway. according to a press released from the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

The state’s unemployment rate in April remained at 9.3 percent, as the overall workforce continued to grow with previously discouraged workers reentering the labor market, as is expected early in an economic recovery. The U.S. unemployment rate increased from 8.8 to 9.0 percent during April, according to the release.

Preliminary estimates indicate that wage and salary employment in New Jersey increased in April to 3.9 million, as measured by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) through its monthly employer survey. Private-sector businesses added 13,400 jobs over the month with five of ten industry supersectors recording job gains, according to the release.

“The private-sector job gain is extremely encouraging, with the fairly substantial increase showing that the recovery may be gaining a bit of momentum, and pickups in sectors such as manufacturing and retailing suggesting that a larger cross-section of the state’s economy is starting to benefit,” said Charles Steindel, Chief Economist for the New Jersey Department of Treasury.where you can buy high fashion buy cheap jeans online in very low price,buy wholesale jeans from Jean-mall now!

Based on more complete reporting from employers, previously released March estimates were little changed, down by 300, to show an over-the-month (February-March) employment gain of 4,300 jobs. Preliminary estimates had indicated an over-the-month gain of 4,600 jobs.

In April, the job growth leader was the trade, transportation, and utilities industry supersector which added 8,300 jobs.

All three components of the industry added workers: retail trade (up 4,200),if you like Juicy couture wholesale,please search online for a cheaper price. wholesale trade (up 1,800) and transportation and warehousing (up 2,300). Other supersectors with strong gains included manufacturing (up 3,200), education and health services (up 2,700), and leisure and hospitality (up 2,700). Somewhat smaller gains were registered in the construction industry, which was up by 800.

Industries that recorded job loss included information (down 1,700), financial activities (down 1,100), professional and business services (down 1,000), and other services (down 500). The loss in information was mainly a result of contraction in the telecommunications component while the drop in financial activities occurred mostly in the real estate segment.

Public sector employment in April was higher by 600 as gains in local (up 700) and federal (up 100) government levels made up for a drop in state employment. Local government includes counties, municipalities and local school boards.

Over the month, the unadjusted workweek for production workers increased by 0.2 hours to 40.3 hours, average hourly earnings increased by $0.13 to $19.10 and weekly earnings were up by $9.Buy wholesale air max boot products on TradeTang and high quality air max boot directly from trustworthy Chinese air max boot wholesalers & suppliers.03 to $769.73. Compared to April of last year, the unadjusted workweek was higher by 0.2 hours, average hourly earnings increased by $0.21 and weekly earnings were higher by $12.24.Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered.

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On the dance floor

From the time girls hit their teens they dream of two events in their lives, their wedding day and their senior prom. You can hardly pinpoint the exact date of your wedding when you are 13, but you can narrow down your prom pretty well. You know what year, and you know it will be sometime that spring. Having marked that date in your mind, nothing much can interfere … unless a tornado blows away half of your town and maybe your dress.

That was the case when the Hanceville High School senior girls returned to school after the horrendous storm.

A lot of families just couldn't afford prom, not after losing their homes, missing work, and restocking the freezer after days of power outages. Things were looking dismal; there weren't many smiling faces when prom was mentioned.

Then came the unexpected …you might say a fairy godmother appeared out of the blue. Just two days before prom, HHS teachers and Principal Robert Burgess met to hear the offer of dresses, shoes, corsages, boutonnieres, and even hair and make-up, free for the Hanceville High School Seniors of 2011, courtesy of Operation Prom.

Operation Prom is the brainchild of Ashley Murray, Lauren Jones, and Jade Rossetti, who all recalled what special nights their own proms were and wanted others to have their special nights to remember.

Friends since high school, the three young women were sitting around talking when the power was out. “We had been out volunteering around our area, picking up limbs and such, and we started talking about doing something else to help,” said Murray.what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. “Someone mentioned that it was prom time and we hit on an idea to help because prom is expensive and now there was this disaster on top of it.”

“We were blessed in our endeavor,” she said. “We found a building belonging to Frank Pitts, which he generously offered to loan us for one weekend – it's been three weeks now. Hanceville was our third Operation Prom. We have been very successful in pounding the pavement for dresses, shoes,Childs' collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year. jewelry, cosmetics and flowers.”

“Right after the storm flowers shot up really high, but Cosco stepped up and donated the flowers for the corsages and boutonnieres,' said Murray. “Casey Clark, owner of ‘Poor Little Rich Girl', donated jewelry to the effort.”

As part of the phenomenon of Operation Prom, various make-up artists, hairstylists, nail technicians and other volunteers also stepped up to be a part of this joyful chance to give someone something that will be one of their best memories.

“I think this is the most rewarding thing I've ever been a part of,” said Murray. “Sometimes when the girls first come in they are a little shy, but after they see themselves all pampered and looking beautiful, they leave with big smiles of self-confidence.”

The trio was even able to receive a little help with tuxedos for the guys. Prom Dresses for Tornado Victims, a similar organization headed by Vicky Shields, also donated dresses for the Hanceville Prom.

The girl's gratefully accepted the offer. Some of them already had their dresses, but they went to see what this unexpectedly delightful gift was all about. Hanceville High teachers took thirty students on a bus to the storefront at Insanity Skate Park in Huntsville on Friday to select dresses and returned with several of the girls on Saturday to receive makeovers from those affectionately dubbed the ‘Glam Squad'.

Detra Smith, owner of Hannah and Me, a Moulton salon, was one of the hairdressers on hand that day. This was her second weekend at Operation Prom. “For me,” reflected Smith, “changing lives starts behind the chair, touching one person at a time.”

Smith is also an artistic educator for Matrix. This is part her own outreach in an endeavor to utilize her talents to help others.

“Through a program called ‘Chairs for Change', hairdressers are harnessing the power, passion and beauty in our industry and giving it to others in order to help them go forward and change the world,” said Smith. “Making a difference in the lives of students like these from Hanceville changes me.”

“I may have helped to make one night special in their lives, but they helped to renew my faith in the next generation. Their perseverance is remarkable,” said Smith.

HHS Valedictorian, Halee Pitts was one of the first to arrive. Halee already had her dress before the prom, but after the storm she had neglected to make a hair appointment, so she came for the makeover. “In this time of stress I was able to relax and enjoy myself that day,” said Halee. “It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.”

“I felt like Cinderella,” she said, her eyes glowing. “I had been praying, ‘God, can you show me a way that I can go?' because I really didn't have the money.Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement.”

“These ladies who didn't even know us stepped in like fairy godmothers,” said Halee. “Because of them, prom was awesome!”

Everyone agreed that the prom,Nike Air trainers began life as the Cheap nike air max back in 1987. held at TPC (Terri Pines Country Club) was a big success. “It was simple, but elegant, and we had a wonderful time,” said Halee. “Everyone was like, ‘Who did your hair?'” she grinned.

Rhonda Nall, mother of HHS senior Tia Nall, was more than impressed with the ladies who made the prom possible for many of the girls. “There wasn't much excitement that week,” said Nall. “Some girls had decided not to go, but Operation Prom made it possible.”

Thoughtfully, Nall summed up her feelings about what this group of caring ladies did for Tia and the other girls, ”Who, in this day and age, really realizes what kids are going through? The economy is so bad and this group came in and helped them to realize their dream.”

“They paid for gas, brought them to Huntsville to try on dresses on Friday, and back again on Saturday,” she said.”They were so accommodating and helpful in a Christian way, and that's what Christianity is all about – helping each other.”

“I know one thing – they made a lot of girls very happy,” said Nall. “They are saying that this was the best prom in years.”

As for Tia, she was one of the most excited girls at the hair and make-up session that day. Her mom had always done her hair, so Tia had never visited a salon before. This was a big deal for her. Salon Duo employees immediately went to work on Tia, attaching hair extensions and applying make-up to her beautiful skin.truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery.

Malaysian sensation

The Malaysian island of Penang, or Pulau Pinang, which translates as betel nut island, (there is a betel nut palm on the Penang State flag) is situated at the start of the Strait of Malacca off the west coast of the Malay Peninsula.

Georgetown,Childs' collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year.what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. the main centre in Penang, is a vibrant, bustling place and the old town has recently been made a Unesco World Heritage site. Yet it is thankfully still a city full of locals going about their business and just tatty enough to command respect, avoiding any suggestion of the theme park or museum.

In the streets and alleys is found the distinctive architecture, arcaded streets lined with thick- walled narrow shops with shuttered top-storey windows designed to deal with intense heat and monsoon rains.

Wandering around Georgetown, I found small mansions, often occupied by Chinese guilds, row after row of traditional shop houses (shop on the bottom, living on the top), most painted white but many painted in colours like yellow, red, turquoise and tangerine, but faded and mottled by tropical weather like well- washed fabric.

I stayed at the Straits Collection Hotel's Stewart Lane property, four charming shop houses which look like the original inhabitants left just before owners Narelle McMurtrie and Alison Fraser had the walls waterblasted and redecorated the interiors with choice Chinese/ Malaysian artefacts, canopied beds, rain showers in the downstairs apartments' open courtyards, put in a library and reading room and next to it installed a great little cafe and bar on the corner of the block.

Georgetown is also studded with picturesque Indian, Chinese, Muslim and Christian places of worship - check out Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling Rd for the "walk of harmony" where you will pass an example of each. The last one is St George's Church, a bijou confection of neoclassical pillars and porticos set on a dazzling green lawn.

Built in 1818, it looks like it is made of pure white royal icing and was the first Anglican church in Asia. But the most striking things about Georgetown are the proliferation of people selling food from carts, either on the street or in what are known as hawker centres,Wedge Shoes was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. and the number of people eating at all times of the day.

Hawkers were originally itinerant sellers of cooked food who would roam certain neighbourhoods selling one of the more than 50 specialty dishes that have been identified as Penang heritage food. Like many South- East Asian cuisines, Malaysian food takes rather aggressive raw ingredients like chillies, ginger, belachan (fermented prawn paste),truereligion jeans and footwear available from Choice online at unbeatable prices with free next day delivery.Nike Air trainers began life as the Cheap nike air max back in 1987. tempers them with soothing ingredients like fresh coconut cream and dark palm sugar, and turns them all into a spicy yet elegant and refined cuisine.

An example of a quintessential Penang dish is hokkien mee, a fragrant prawn- based soup served with yellow noodles, sometimes also with rice vermicelli, water spinach and bean sprouts and topped with prawns and thin-sliced pork.