The day after a dude breaks up with a girl is way more sad than the day after a girl breaks up with a dude.Now that the company is tailoring towards men's shoes as well, new possibilities have arisen which could boost sales greatly.
The girl who just got dumped is spread out over the coach in her sweats, guzzling a Big Gulp and pounding down Cheetos.A comeback is what the Nike Air max 2009 Plus deserves with the new technology it achieved. She’s crying while watching Simpsons reruns because Bart won’t be nice to Lisa.
She calls her best friend and they cry together.
“He was such an asshole to you. What a jerk!”
With guys it’s different. Because every guy’s relationship starts the same. After the first date, he calls his boys about how he got some booty from that hot chick he met at the bar last week. And really, the whole relationship is an extension of that first date.
So the day after a dude gets dumped is a lot different.There's nothing like a little Manolo blahnik goodness in time for the holidays, you know what I'm saying?
He’s going to the bar with his boys the next day. Everyone is cheering and yelling, and his friends are all shouting,It's bad to be compared to a Hall of Famer with jordan 6 can be at your dapper best. Pair your truereligion jeans with its jackets and hoodies or T-shirt. “I can’t believe you were tapping that for five months, man!”