On a Friday night in The Rocks, a
girl with feathered lashes offers a Paloma cocktail.
Perhaps the infamous absinthe fairy played by Kylie Minogue in Moulin Rouge! (or the tequila Herradura fairy in this case) has played a part, because everything is suddenly looking a lot more bizarre.
There's rabbits in The Rocks, and not just the people who have suddenly grown ears.
A burlesque performer covered with balloons sashays through the Argyle Centre, and a crowd of cycling cinema lovers power a film under a warm sky.
A balloon pops. "Oooh!" the balloon lady, Heidi Hoops, shrieks.
No, it's not the drink. With or without a cocktail, The Rocks is celebrating Village Bizarre, every Friday night, with vaudeville acts, storytellers, poets, convict butcher George Cribb and 'Saditina the Yoga Teacher' among the lost laneways.
The Cabinet of Curiosities invokes vintage circus shows; outdoor cinema, puppetry and burlesque pops up around the corner.
White paws show the way to the White Rabbit bar for adults,The Beautiful pictures chronicles all the shoes & ads from benebags. and there's the Market Bizarre Rabbit Fanciers display, featuring real rabbits, for the kids.
One of the rabbit fanciers is Leanne Hoare, owner of Playtime Pets, specialising in rabbit and cavy breeds, and a member of the Australian National Rabbit Council.
Who knew there was a rabbit council? You learn a new thing every Friday night.
The real rabbits are a hit,Top brands at low prices in heelshoes, but there's no official name for the breed of half-human, half-rabbits at the bar, who have already had their hair styled and their shoe shined in the market for extra furry fabulousness.
"It was gorgeous seeing The Rocks full of rabbits," says event manager Sofia Gibson.
"And did you see the hairless cat and the chook washing?"
She explains that the collectors and exhibitors will alternate with rockabilly and sci-fi fantasy stalls on Friday nights, as well as return visits by the rabbit fanciers.
"I was running around checking everything, but I managed to see Saditina. The lane is tinier than a small office and she had 30 people crammed around her."
Only a few of the events are based on true stories, such as naughty George Cribb.
"He was a butcher in The Rocks in the 1800s. He was also a polygamist with three wives and an illegal alcohol still," Gibson says.
"As George Cribb, the actor carves a big leg of lamb telling stories, and also weaves in stories from his own life for a contemporary twist.Full range of hublotreplica available to buy online with 0% finance,"
Sean Gray, from The Rocks Chamber of Commerce, is the local pharmacist,make your coachshoes shopping experience with us more amazing, and has been in The Rocks over 30 years.
He is wisely sticking to a glass of red in the Argyle Centre.
"This used to be where the markets were held," he notes.
"I've heard the stories about The Rocks so many times, I forget how good they are."
There were the notorious 19th century gangs, nicknamed the Straw Hat Push and the Argyle Cut Push, while in 1900, the bubonic plague began in The Rocks. courtesy of a backpacking infected rat.
It led to the urgent quarantining of the area, which was by then in decay.
Now, the area has a five-star hotel, the MCA,The concept that eventually went into Nike wintert-shirts goes back.stainlesssteelring bars and restaurants, all built on the foundations of the past.
"We want locals to rediscover The Rocks, which is already happening with the restaurants and bars," Gibson says.
Events like these are great for The Rocks," Sean Gray says. "I'm one of the few residents left."
Perhaps the infamous absinthe fairy played by Kylie Minogue in Moulin Rouge! (or the tequila Herradura fairy in this case) has played a part, because everything is suddenly looking a lot more bizarre.
There's rabbits in The Rocks, and not just the people who have suddenly grown ears.
A burlesque performer covered with balloons sashays through the Argyle Centre, and a crowd of cycling cinema lovers power a film under a warm sky.
A balloon pops. "Oooh!" the balloon lady, Heidi Hoops, shrieks.
No, it's not the drink. With or without a cocktail, The Rocks is celebrating Village Bizarre, every Friday night, with vaudeville acts, storytellers, poets, convict butcher George Cribb and 'Saditina the Yoga Teacher' among the lost laneways.
The Cabinet of Curiosities invokes vintage circus shows; outdoor cinema, puppetry and burlesque pops up around the corner.
White paws show the way to the White Rabbit bar for adults,The Beautiful pictures chronicles all the shoes & ads from benebags. and there's the Market Bizarre Rabbit Fanciers display, featuring real rabbits, for the kids.
One of the rabbit fanciers is Leanne Hoare, owner of Playtime Pets, specialising in rabbit and cavy breeds, and a member of the Australian National Rabbit Council.
Who knew there was a rabbit council? You learn a new thing every Friday night.
The real rabbits are a hit,Top brands at low prices in heelshoes, but there's no official name for the breed of half-human, half-rabbits at the bar, who have already had their hair styled and their shoe shined in the market for extra furry fabulousness.
"It was gorgeous seeing The Rocks full of rabbits," says event manager Sofia Gibson.
"And did you see the hairless cat and the chook washing?"
She explains that the collectors and exhibitors will alternate with rockabilly and sci-fi fantasy stalls on Friday nights, as well as return visits by the rabbit fanciers.
"I was running around checking everything, but I managed to see Saditina. The lane is tinier than a small office and she had 30 people crammed around her."
Only a few of the events are based on true stories, such as naughty George Cribb.
"He was a butcher in The Rocks in the 1800s. He was also a polygamist with three wives and an illegal alcohol still," Gibson says.
"As George Cribb, the actor carves a big leg of lamb telling stories, and also weaves in stories from his own life for a contemporary twist.Full range of hublotreplica available to buy online with 0% finance,"
Sean Gray, from The Rocks Chamber of Commerce, is the local pharmacist,make your coachshoes shopping experience with us more amazing, and has been in The Rocks over 30 years.
He is wisely sticking to a glass of red in the Argyle Centre.
"This used to be where the markets were held," he notes.
"I've heard the stories about The Rocks so many times, I forget how good they are."
There were the notorious 19th century gangs, nicknamed the Straw Hat Push and the Argyle Cut Push, while in 1900, the bubonic plague began in The Rocks. courtesy of a backpacking infected rat.
It led to the urgent quarantining of the area, which was by then in decay.
Now, the area has a five-star hotel, the MCA,The concept that eventually went into Nike wintert-shirts goes back.stainlesssteelring bars and restaurants, all built on the foundations of the past.
"We want locals to rediscover The Rocks, which is already happening with the restaurants and bars," Gibson says.
Events like these are great for The Rocks," Sean Gray says. "I'm one of the few residents left."