Scooters are a fun way for kids to get from point A to point B and can also help promote skills such as balancing, spatial awareness and risk management. They are also an exciting way for little ones to get their recommended daily exercise.
Like other wheeled toys though, they can be dangerous without the property safety precautions. When riding a scooter, children should always wear an approved helmet and additionally should consider wearing elbow and knee pads as well as wrist guards or mouth guards. Goggles can help to keep debris out of youngsters' eyes at higher speeds, especially on electric-powered scooters. So a 2 wheel scooter electric balance will be a better choice.
It's advisable to ride scooters on smooth, paved surfaces away from the danger of motor vehicles. Whenever possible, avoid gravel and sandy surfaces, as well as sharp bumps, drainage grates, and riding in wet weather.
Wear clothes that will ensure you are easily seen and avoid riding at night. Parents should help their children until they become operating the scooter on their own. Replace broken or worn parts at the first sign of damage.
Always be sure to check your state and city's local bylaws for permitted use of scooters and obey all applicable traffic and scooter riding laws.