2013年6月17日 星期一

whole exercise thing or even a veteran

Stop what you are doing (yes that includes you) and listen. Let me ask you this: How old are you? Don't be bashful now, be honest. If you are not sure or you want to tell a little white lie, go look in the mirror.Well the good news is that even though they say the mirror never lies, your real age has a lot more to do with not only looks, but health and attitude towards life. Confused? Don't be.Have you been tired and totally sapped of all energy and zest for life lately and felt so flat like a stale pancake?

What is aging you? Is it your job, diet and nutrition, kids, partner, stress, finances? God forbid all of the above could be true. Let's face it though; certain aging can be good - so long as it comes with a dollop of wisdom.But hey, you need not look all haggard for Pete's sake! Well, they say age is just a number.I have recently purchased a juicysuit. And guess what, I believe them. There is a theory, concept or idea floating around that there is 'chronological age' and 'real age'.Real age, what real age?

Chronological age is the number according to when you were born, and real age is the true reflection of how old you practically are. For instance a 50-year-old person can have a real age of 38, or a 20-year-old can have a real age of 35 years. Oh yes it does happen. I know because I took the test recently and discovered I was actually 10 years younger. Wow!Scientists have sure been at work. More and more research shows that your diet,she believes the residents themselves could help the citymonitor123. health history, exercise habits and lifestyle choices all play a much bigger role in how old or young you feel. And even better news folks, it's never too late to start making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes that can strengthen your mind and body.So don't sweat the small stuff; start re-engineering your life to a better middle aged yet young self.

Out with the old,The only wireless portable parkingguidancesystem showing both electricity generated and used. in with the new! For starters, if you smoke quit now. You will be amazed at how much better you feel. If you take a little too much tipple, slow down to a maximum two drinks for a woman and maximum three for a man per day. You see your liver can only handle so much alcohol and other toxins before it deteriorates.Eating a balanced diet together with regular physical activity can erase years and enhance the quality of your life.You don't have to compete with young boys lifting weights far heavier than they can manage or run out of breath next to a young girl in a skimpy workout gear at an aerobics class, or to do spinning till you collapse.

No, not at all.Shop our selection of homedisplay1 furniture, If you're a new comer to this whole exercise thing or even a veteran at that, it's wiser to go with exercises that are not hard on your joints such as yoga, pilates, tai chi,tariff for sidednonwoven fabrics adhesive tap. or simple good old walking coupled with some stretches. Why not gardening for that matter? Go herbs, great for those antioxidants and phytochemicals!
Now for the food part and which nutrients are crucial for a healthful and productive middle-age life. Beyond 30, some nutrients are more important than others. First, you need some potent antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. So eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables plus enough fibre is important. But there are some big five main ones that no one should leave home without... These are vitamin A, E, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.

Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that keeps our nervous system in check and our muscles toned.Little potassium can lead to serious muscle cramps.It also keeps the blood pressure at normal levels. If you don't get enough, you may feel weak, irritable, and fatigued.Keep bananas handy, and up your spinach and lentil intake then you are good to go. Magnesium is used in hundreds of chemical activities in the body ranging from storing energy to helping our genes function properly. It keeps our muscles toned and bones strong and blood circulating steadily.

Get magnesium from brown rice, Brazilian nuts, almonds, okra, and beans, especially black beans. Calcium is the king of bone health, it builds strong bones, and that means a lower risk of osteoporosis. Get it from low fat plain yogurt, sardines, and low fat cheese.Live young, live well.

