2011年6月8日 星期三

Annual event celebrates The Power of the Purse

Crown Point Community Foundation will celebrate women and charitable giving June 15.
Since 2004, the foundation has sponsored an event called "The Power of the Purse," recognizing women and the work they do to help so many charitable causes.
Just think about the occasions we have given of our time. When our children are young, we volunteer at various fundraisers at their schools - bake sales, spaghetti suppers and pancake breakfasts.Nike shox R4 shoes are very popular and hotsale in our store. Maybe you are one of the ladies that take admissions at the Lake County Fair or make Easter Eggs to sell for charitable causes. We have done it all.Add some bangles to both wrists, the biggest handbag you own and natural tone Wedge Shoes.
We know the value and power of giving back. We want to continue to support so many of these causes. Now, it is time to give with our checkbooks.
The Women's Giving Circle Fund focuses its work on the influence of women. It recognizes that women now control a great deal of this country's wealth.
Women own 43 percent of stock portfolios. Women own one-third of America's private business and control more than 51 percent of the wealth in the U.S.
Many women work in the nonprofit arena, as managers and employees in the field. They take a "hands on" approach to solving the real problems in our communities.Air max classic bw shoes sale best quality and discount price! These women are shaping the future of philanthropy.
The foundation acknowledges the strength of women and giving at the Power of the Purse event, which brings together women that have made a financial commitment to the Women's Giving Circle Fund. There are approximately 130 members of this group.
Each lady decides upon the amount of her charitable gift.Nike shox running shoes take it all the appearance that a because should be searching for. Their gift(s) are pooled with other contributions to this fund.
Then, in June, the group gathers to determine the charities that will benefit from their donations. Each lady "votes" for her favorite community projects or nonprofit organizations.
Since 2004, more than $110,000 has been given to community causes identified through the Power of the Purse.puma shoes is the first company in the world to put a value on the ecosystem services it uses to produce its sports shoes and clothes. A complete list of the charities that have benefited from the Women's Fund is available by contacting the foundation or stopping by the office at 115 S. Court St. on the downtown square.
To learn more about the Women's Giving Circle Fund, please give me a call at the foundation office. It's a great way to get started with charitable giving. You will meet some wonderful ladies, you will have a terrific time at the event and you will feel extremely good about giving to community causes that will benefit from your financial commitment.

