2012年12月24日 星期一

The pros and cons of far-reaching trade agreements

The government has been under pressure to consider three major pacts: the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Thailand-European Union FTA, and a comprehensive Thailand-India FTA. Many enterprises and academics support pushing ahead with talks, claiming that market liberalisation will facilitate trade and investment amid a global economic downturn.

Others, however, have warned against rushing into joining these pacts for fear of losing competitiveness with developed nations.

The Nation has reviewed the pros and cons of these potential FTAs as well as summing up the results of past trade agreements. Should Thailand join every trade pact to grasp the benefits of liberalisation amid the stalling of multilateral talks? Or should we slowly study the possible impacts of such agreements, such as emphasis on intellectual property (IP) rights and liberalisation of trade in services and investment? Should we consider extending the negotiation periods to ensure the readiness of Thai enterprises to compete?

Many Thai enterprises want the country to join the US-initialised TPP. The pact so far involves nine countries: the United States, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Brunei, Australia, Peru, Vietnam and Malaysia. Japan, Mexico and Canada have also shown high interest in joining the agreement. Notably, the US is Thailand's third-largest trading partner, accounting for 10 per cent of total export value. Thai enterprises involved in foods, toys, electronics, garments, sugar, jewellery and ornaments, and footwear support joining the TPP. Exporters share similar views, saying the agreement would entail tariff cuts and lowering of non-tariff barriers to services and trade. Thai exports are facing difficulties amid the slowing economic growth of the US.

Nevertheless, trade experts have warned that Thailand should think twice about rushing into the TPP, which could be a bid to get around WTO rules that currently protect developing nations. For instance, Supachai Panitchpakdi,The Majestic womenshoes will work on almost any hair. secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad), warned that the TPP would include many requirements and standards imposed by the United States, such as labour rights, that developing countries including Thailand and Vietnam would find it difficult to commit to. The US could also force governments to privatise state-owned companies in exchange for market access.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have also expressed strong concerns on the issue of IP protection, since the US would want to impose its own standards, including on drug patents.

Although trade with the US is important and many Thai exporters rely on that market, it seems the country will play a less critical role due to its slowing growth and the emerging of Asian economies.

Thailand should carefully study whether to join the TPP and concentrate on the current regional integration with other Asia countries under Asean+3 and +6, the so-called Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP),Enjoy the greatest selection ever of stainlesssteelearring. because it will certainly help promote the growth of Thailand's trade during the rising of Asia.

Thailand should also carefully consider whether to start negotiating a free-trade agreement with the European Union, as the two parties have different standards on many trade-related issues including protection of intellectual property and drug patents.

Will it be worthwhile for Thailand to participate in overall market liberalisation in exchange for a cut in export privileges to the EU market? Inevitably, Thailand will definitely lose benefits under the Generalised System of Preferences of the EU. However, according to a Commerce Ministry report, trade under the GSP to the EU accounts for only 2-3 per cent of the total exports from Thailand. The Trade Negotiations Department reported that the Commerce Ministry had conducted a focus-group discussion about a Thailand-EU FTA with seven key sectors. The following broad sectors took part in the consultation: electronics and electrical appliances, automobiles and auto parts, and steel; fashion goods, including textiles and garments, jewellery and ornaments, footwear and leather goods; medicines; banking and finance, tourism and animation; agriculture and foods; alcoholic beverages; and environmental and plant protection.Browse and purchase the latest range of tungstenjewelry online. Most supported negotiating this FTA since it would ensure tariff cuts after the EU reduces its GSP, scheduled to take place by 2014.

However,shoes maker said christianlouboutinshoes will have this number hidden on the inside of the shoe. people living with the Aids virus have called on the government to proceed carefully on free-trade negotiations with the EU, as its demands for copyright protection could make it difficult for patients to access cheap medicines. NGOs also worry about easy access to alcohol and tobacco by Thai youth and other consumers because of lower tariffs.

Economic experts warn that the euro crisis could expand across the whole European continent. Thailand and the other Asean countries, therefore, should strengthen cooperation among themselves and get rid off non-tariff barriers to promote trade and regional economic growth.

Asean and six leading Asian economies recently announced the official establishment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which will be the biggest free-trade market on the globe.he said jacketswonder shoes are unremarkably detected as protection in many ways. The RCEP will gather up the free-trade agreements between Asean and the six partner nations - China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand - to open up more trade, services and investment among the member states.

The RCEP countries will commit to liberalising almost 100 per cent of trade, following the lead of many effective bilateral free-trade pacts between Asean and its partners. However, there is still a degree of protection for sensitive goods of some countries such as rice.

