2011年4月25日 星期一

BTW's annual Easter dance, fashion show a boost of energy

The Easter Bunny hop wasn't the half of it Sunday afternoon at the annual Easter dance at Booker T. Washington Community Center.
Hundreds of people showed up with their families and the children dominated the gym/dance hall, the energy ebbing and flowing as each new song burst through the booming speakers.
Little boys cruised around in jackets and sweater vests with their hats tilted up, down and sideways according to the unspoken dictates of coolness. Some spun on the floor in their pinstriped suits, competing for eyes and an ever-coveted circle of observers with their dance moves.
The younger girls practiced striking poses in their blossoming ballgowns in anticipation of the fashion show. The teenagers stalked around with hands in pockets, launching off the padded walls to slap the basketball hoops and occasionally busting out a dance move with studied non-chalance.
Other youths in skinny jeans and neon shirts looked lost without their skateboards, while the more athletic searched for open space to try out handstands and backflips.
“I love the Easter dance,” said Tiandra Murphy. She's been attending for all of her 25 years and on Sunday brought her seven-month-old son for the first time.There are just so many styles of real and fake dsquared shoes out there that it is near impossible to cover all of them.
“It's great for the kids to dance, and you get to see relatives from out of town,” she said. “People leave, but Auburn is home — everybody always comes back.”
One of the highlights was the fashion show, an open runway with an enthusiastic audience at the end.
The girls swirled and took group struts with friends. The boys dipped and swiveled, hamming it up for the crowd. The red plastic carpet eventually ripped from overzealous breakdancing, but it didn't stop the show.
BTW has been hosting its Easter dance for longer than anyone there remembers, Director Monique Wright-Williams said.
“Easter's a really big celebration day in the community,We present you a vast choice of cheap jordan 6 rings.” she said. “All the kids get dressed up for church, but they don't have anything else to do.lacoste shoes are considered a glorious beacon of intelligent design. So this gives them a place to come and hang out with relatives and just have a good time.”
For the last few years, the event has also served as a modest fundraiser for the center, with one dollar admission tickets.
“It's just to make sure we can still take the kids rollerskating and bowling,” Wright-Williams said.
On Sunday afternoon, parents filled the bleachers,On a supermodel a Manolo blahnik shoe completes the perfect ensemble. clutching coats and eating chicken and french fries. The younger boys dashed around the gym in loose groups like schools of fish until their mohawks and faux-hawks fizzled.Replica Designer marc jacobs shoes on hot sale!
After nearly three hours, no one seemed tired – though many were sweaty – and the Soul Train was yet to come.
“I think people want to be in their house with their family on Easter,” Wright-Williams said. “But this is our family. BTW has been a home away from home for so many families. So I guess it depends on how you look at it.”

